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Bu. R.F. and A.L. Office Asst Sub Commr
Lauderdale, Miss. Feby 24, 1867
Respectfully forwarded to H. H. Penniman
(Sigd) D. M. White
Lieut V.R.C A.S.C.

Howard Hospital Lauderdale, Miss.
Feby 25th, 1867.
Respectfully returned with the information that Laura Bonnar does not know in what part of Mobile her mother resides. She is still an inmate of this Hospital, and, though able to do light work cannot obtain employment as a full hand at plantation work. She hears that her mother is doing well as a Laundress.
Signed Henry H. Penniman.
A.A. Surg in Charge Hospt.

Office Asst Sub Commr
Bu. R.F and A.L. Lauderdale, Miss.
Feby 26th 1867.
Respectfully forwarded
Sigd D. M White
Lieut VRC. A.S.C.

Office Sub Comm'r Dist. Meridian
Meridian, Miss. Feb 28, 1867
Respectfully forwarded
Sigd Jas W. Sunderland
Capt Asst Sub Commr.

Head Qrs Dist. Miss. Bu. R.F and A.L
Vicksburg, Miss. March 9, 1867.
Respectfully returned to Dr Penniman thro' Sub Asst Comm'r Sub Dist. of Lauderdale
If this woman Cannot obtain employm't


as a full hand, it does not follow that she Cannot obtain employment sufficient to make her independent of the Government support.
So long as she is thus independent, she certainly cannot wish to be an object of charity
By order of Bvt Brig Genl Gillem
Signed A. W. Preston
Capt V.R.C. Bvt Maj U.S.O. A.A.A.G.

Office Sub Asst Comm'r. Bu. R.F. and A.L.
Dist of Lauderdale, Lauderdale, Miss
March 14th, 1867.
Respectfully returned to Dr. Penniman.
Attention called to the endorsement from Dist. Hd. Qrs. dated March 9th, 1867.
Jas W. Sunderland
Capt & Sub Asst Commr.

Endorsement on Communication from Amanda R. Cox who desires to have two Col'd Orphan Children about 9 or 10 years of Age.

Howard orphan Asylum
Lauderdale, Miss. March 13, 1867.
Respectfully returned with the name of two Children Charles Zulen and Sarah F. Williams that will answer descriptions with exception of age, the boy only six and the girl seven or eight years old
Sigd. J. W. Sunderland
Supt Howard Orphan Asylum

Office Sub Asst Commr. Bu. R. and A.L.
Lauderdale, Miss. March 14, 1867.
Respectfully forwarded
Jas W. Sunderland
Capt & Sub. Asst. Commr 

Transcription Notes:
dont need to transcribe lines on page - 3/29 - all transcribed - pls review ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-03-29 15:31:19