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Hd. Qrs. Sub District of Lauderdale, Bu. R.F and A.L. Lauderdale Miss May 6th, 1867. Respectfully returned with the information that I find upon investigation of this case that the statements of Messrs Street & Chapman are correct. Inclose, also, a copy of the Indenture. 
The illegality of the action of the court in binding these children, is in the fact, that it had no jurisdiction over them, as they were not living in Jasper Co. but in Newton Co. with their step-father, who is employed by one Mr. Sloan. 
The law requiring Sherriffs to report the names of Orphan Children under eighteen years of age, only applies to their respective Counties, and the Sherriff of Jasper Co, had never seen these children until they were brought into court to be bound: but made his report at the instigation of Dr. Bragg, who went to the house of Mr. Sloan and took the children away, without the consent or knowledge of their step-father, and carried them to his house. He claimed the right to have them bound to him, as he was formerly the owner of their mother. The older boy is capable of earning his own living. And his father, David Berry, is capable of taking care of them - a duty which he has performed since their mother's death, nearly two years ago.
Jas W. Sunderland
Capt V.R.C Sub Asst Comm'r.


Endorsement in communication from Capt. James W. Sunderland, Sub Asst Comm'r requesting that a guard be placed over the Hospital and Stables at this post during the night. 
Hd. Qrs. Post of Lauderdale, Lauderdale, Miss May 3/67  Respectfully returned with the information that the force at my disposal is too small to admit of this detail, particularly at the time, when the health of the Command requires my disposable force to be engaged on fatigue. Were this detail to be made, the guard coming off and the guard going on would compromise nearly my entire command, leaving no margin for sick or prisoners 
(Sigd) Lynde Catlin
Brt Maj. U.S.A. Comd'g Post.

Hd. Qrs. Sub Dist of Lauderdale
Bu. R.F. and A.L. Lauderdale Miss May 6th, 1867. Respectfully forwarded to Hd. Qrs. Sub Dist. of Miss for the information of the Asst Comm'r.
From the foregoing endorsement of Maj Catlin Commanding Post, I shall be unable to comply with the instructions to discharge the Citizen I have employed as Watchman. 
Jas. W. Sunderland
Capt V.R.C Sub Asst Comm'r.

Endorsement on communication from Capt. J. W. Chapman, enclosing abstracts of issues to Howard Hospital, requests that this be signed and ret'd 
Hd Qrs Sub Dist of Lauderdale Bu. R.F. and A.L.
Respectfully returned to Capt Chapman A.C.S. Sub dist of Miss, request complied with
Jas W. Sunderland
Capt V.R.C. Sub Asst Comr

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-03-29 10:49:52 Too many [[?]] to have been marked for review, instructions say no more than two [[?]]s, also lines do not need to be transcribed, word corrections and name corrections, replaced + with & as written, pls read instructions - also this was not fully transcribed - now all done - pls review ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-03-30 14:21:33