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Endorsement on Communication from Dr H. H. Penniman A.A. Surg. who asked that another medical officer be employed to assist him in his duties at the Hospital and obey him.

Head quarters Sub Dist of Lauderdale
Lauderdale, Miss, July 29th, 67.
Respectfully forwarded to the Ass't. Comm'r Bu. R.F. and A.L. State of Mississippi, recommending that the within request be granted. There are, at present over 100 patients in the [[strikethrough]] Asylu [[/strikethrough]] Hospital and 70 in the Asylum, with only one physician to attend to them. 
Cholera has broken out amongst them and I think that the duties are entirely too much for one Surgeon.

Capt V.R.C. Sub Asst Comm'r

Endorsement on Communication from Capt J. H. Chapman Asst Commisssary who encloses Abstract of Issues to Howard Hospital for June, and requests that they be signed and returned at once
Head quarters. Sub Dist of Lauderdale.
Lauderdale, Miss, July 29, 67.
Respectfully referred to Capt J.H. Chapman Act. Commissary Sub-Dist of Miss, with request complied with.

Capt V.R.C Sub Asst Commr

Endorsement on Communication from J. P. Walker of Meridian, Miss, who requests that a freed boy or girl in the Asylum at Lauderdale be apprenticed to him under the State Laws.

Bureau Refugees, Freedmen &c
Office Asst Comm'r for Miss.
Vicksburg, July 16th, 1867.
Respectfully referred to Capt. J. W. Sunderland Sub Asst Comm'r Sub Dist of Lauderdale to know if there is a child that can be apprenticed as requested.
By order of
Bvt Maj Genl A. C. Gillen [[Gillem]]
(sigd)  A. W. Preston
Capt V.R.C Bv't Maj U.S.V.
A.A.A Gen'l.

Headquarters Sub Dist of Lauderdale.
Lauderdale, Miss. July 29th, 1867.
Respectfully returned to Maj A. W. Preston with the information that Landa Harrison, a freed girl, age 9, an inmate of the Asylum will meet the requirements of the within application

Capt V.R.C. Sub Asst Comm'r

Endorsement on Communication from Bvt. Col. Peirce [[Pierce]] Chief Q.M. 4" Mil Dist. Vicksburg, Miss, who states that the within Vouchers (Wm Clapton & B. F. Rush.) transferred to him by Capt Scully A.Q.M. U.S.A. are returned for completion, it being necessary that they be made in duplicate

Transcription Notes:
removed dashed lines U.S.V. = United States Volunteers changed "V.R.B." to "V.R.C." (Veteran Reserve Corps) Q.M. = Quarter Master