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By order of Bvt Maj J. H. Norton 
(Sigd) W. E. Kingsbury 
1st Lt 24 Inft Post Adjt. 

Hd qrs Sub Dist of Lauderdale. 
Bu. R.F and A.L. 
Lauderdale Aug 1st, 1867 
Respectfully returned to Bvt. Maj. J. H. Norton, with the information that the complainant has not applied to the Civil authorities, and I do not think justice would be done her if she did
Capt V.R.C. Sub Asst Commr. 

Endorsement on Communication from James H. Scroggins, Citizen of Lauderdale, Co, Miss. who presents claims for property (wood) taken for the use of the U.S. Troops &c, states that he is a Union man. 

Head-quarters 4th Mil District
Vicksburg, Miss, June 11th, 1867
Respectfully referred to Bvt Maj. Genl. A. C. Gillem, Commanding Sub-Dist Miss.
By Command of 
Bvt Maj Genl E. O. C. Ord 
Sg'd  Jno Tyler
1st Lt. 43d U.S. Inft,
Act Asst Adjt Genl

Bu. R.F and A.L. Office Asst Comm'r.
Vicksburg, Miss. June 12th, 1867.
Respectfully returned to Lt D. M. White, Sub Asst Commr Sub Dist of Yazoo for explanation. 
By order of Bvt Maj Genl A. C. Gillem, Asst Commr
Sigd  A W Preston, A.A.A.G.


(Lt. White's Explanation)
Yazoo City, June 18th, 1867.
Maj A. W. Preston A.A.A.G. Bu. R.F and A.L.
Vicksburg, Miss.
Major: In compliance with instructions contained in endorsement from the office of the Asst Commr, Dist of Miss. of June 12th, 67, on claim of James H Scroggins, for fuel. I would respectfully state, that I have no knowledge of the matter whatever. After Capt Rainals left Lauderdale, Mr. Scroggins told me that he had a bill against him (Rainals) for wood. I never purchased a stick of wood of him or had any dealings with him, — Previous to my purchasing fuels for the institutions at Lauderdale under instructions from Genl Whittelsey, Chief QM Dept. of Miss. I obtained wood from the lands of the Mobile & Ohio Railroad by permission of the Officers of the [[road?]], and without any expense to the Government. In my judgement the claim is an unjust one.
The declaration of Scroggins that he is a citizen of the United States by right of birth may be true, but if common report be true, a more uncompromising, bitter disunionist does not exist. Mr Scroggins owns a large plantation and is reported well off.  
I am, Major, very respectfully,
Your obt sv't
(Sigd)  D. M. White, Lt. V.R.C.

Hd Qrs Sub Dist Miss, Vicksburg, Miss. June 24th, 1867. 
Respectfully returned to H'd Qrs at Mil Dist, attention invited to enclosed explanation from Lieutenant D. M. White, — Capt Rainals is dead, and Capt Simmons address is not known
(Sigd)  Alvan C. Gillem
Col 24 Inft Bvt Maj Genl. U.S.A
Com'd'g Sub Dist Miss.

Transcription Notes:
Not sure on the translation of Yazoo City; it does appear to be a municipality in Mississippi, but it was incorporated 1884. Had trouble with most of the abbreviations, notably the last section at the bottom of page 57. 3/20 - fully transcribed - Added page numbers, removed lines, if you transcribe a word and it doesnt make sense probably not correctly transcribed, please read instructions, it is Yazoo City can be city without being incorporated, not Bat its Bvt for 'Brevet', removed [[underlined]] this is no longer required, its Gillem, ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-03-30 18:55:03 changed "right of fifth" to "right of birth" "disunionist" - D. M. White's assessment of Scroggins, and reference back to Scroggins' claim to be a "union man" ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-03-31 16:51:33