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Form No 8.
Report of Persons and Articles employed and hired at the Howard Hospital and the "Howard Orphan Asylum," F.B. Lauderdale, Miss. during the month of May 1866
[[18 columned table]]
| No. of each Class | Names of Persons and Articles | Designation and Occupation | Services during the Month From | Services during the Month To- | Services during the Month Days | Rate of Hire or Compensation Dolls | Rate of Hire or Compensation Cents | Rate of Hire or Compensation Days of month | Date of Contract, Agreement or Entry into Service | By whom Owned or Employed | Amount of Rent or Pay in the month Dolls | Amount of Rent or Pay in the month Cents | Remarks | Time and the Amount due and remaining unpaid From- | Time and the Amount due and remaining unpaid To - | Time and the Amount due and remaining unpaid Dolls | Time and the Amount due and remaining unpaid Cents

1 E. B. Wright | A.A. Surgeon F.B | May 1'/66 | May 31'66 | 31 | 100 | 00 | per month | Dec 1st 1865 | chief F.B. Bvt. Lt. Col. T.B. Hood late Surg in | 100 | 10 | In charge of "Howard Hospital" for Freedmen | Aprl 1st 1866 | May 31st '66 | 200 | 00
1 O. Peimen [[?]] | Steward | May 11'66 | May 31'66 | 21 | 00 | per month | May 11th, 1866 | Bot. Col. Jro. Morno Tungen chief | 51 | 00 | On duty as Hospital Steward in Howard Hospital | May 11th/66 | May 31st '66 | 52 | 50
1 Phebe B. Wright | Matron | May 1'66 | May 31'66 | 31 | 75 | 00 | per month | May 1st 1866 | in chief H. B. Bot. Lt. Col. J. B. Hood lohchmy | 18 | 00 | On duty as Hospital Matron in Howard Hospital | May 1st/66 | May 31 '66 | 18 | 00

1 George Washington | Ward Master | May 10'66 | May 31/66 | 22 | 15 | 00 | per month | May 10th, 1866 | Bot. Col. Jr. Moore | 11 | 00 | On duty as Hospital Ward Master in Howard Hospital | May 10 '66 | May 31 '66 | 11 | 00
1 Parkin Mitchell | Nurse | May 1'66 | May 31/66 | 19 | 10 | 00 | per month | Feb. 1st 1866 | Bot. Lt. Col. Hoodte | 6 | 33 1/3 | Discharged from duty as Nurse in Howard Hospital May 19th 66 | Aprl 1st 66 | May 19th 66 | 16 | 33 1/3
2 Anthony Mitchell | Nurse | May 1'66 | May 19'66 | 6 | 5 | 00 | per month | Feb 1st 1866 | " "  "  " " | 1 | 00 | Discharged from duty as Nurse in Howard Hospital May 6th '66 | April 1st 66 | May 6th '66 | 6 | 00
3 Simon Taylor | Nurse | May 1'66 | May 6'66 | 31 | 10 | 00 | per month | Apr 1st 1866 | " "  "  " " | 10 | 00 | On duty as Nurse in Howard Hospital | April 1st 66 | May 31 '66 | 20 | 00
4 William Franklin | Nurse | May 1'66 | May 31'66 | 6 | 5 | 00 | per month | May 26' 1866 | Bot. Col. Jro. Wivese | 3 | 00 | On duty as Nurse in Howard Hospital | May 26 '66 | May 31 '66 | 3 | 00
1 Emma Jackson | Cook | May 1'66 | May 31'66 | 31 | 10 | 00 | per month | Feb 1' 1866 | Rot. Lt. Col Hood re | 10 | 00 | On duty as Cook in Howard Hospital | April 1 '66 | May 31 '66 | 20  | 00
2 Tabitha Mitchell | Cook | May 1 66 | May 15'66 | 15 | 10 | 00 | per month | Apr 1' 1866 | " "  "  " " | 5 | 00 | Discharged from duty as Cook in Howard Hospital May 15 '66 | April 1 '66 | May 15 '66 | 15 | 00
3 Elizabeth Rains | Cook | May 15'66 | May 31'66 | 14 | 10 | 00 | per month | May 15th 1866 | Bot. Col. Jro. Moonese | 5 | 66 2/3 | On duty as Cook in Howard Hospital | May 15 '66 | May 31 '66 | 5 | 66 2/3
1 Mariah Snan [[?]] | Laundress | May 1'66  | May 31 66 | 31 | 10 | 00 | per month | May 11 1866 | " "  "  " " | 10 | 00 | On duty as Laundress in Howard Hospital | May 1 '66 | May 31 '66 | 10 | 00
2 Sally Killingemnt | Laundress | May 1'66 | May 31'66 | 31 | 10 | 00 | per month | May 1' 1866 | " "  "  " " | 10 | 00 | On duty as Laundress in Howard Hospital | May 1 '66 | May 31 '66 | 10 | 00

1 Peter N. Simmons | Superintendent | May 6'66 | May 31'66 | 26 | 125 | 00 | per month | May 6' 1866 | | 108 | 33 1/3 | In charge of buildings to at Lauderdale H [[?]], Miss | May 6 '66 | May 31 66 | 108 | 33 1/3
1 J. N. Pierce | Clerk | May 8'66 | May 31 66 | 24 | 125 | 00 | per month | May 8' 1866 | 100 | 00 | On duty as Clerk in Office asst. [[?]] | April 15th '66 | May 31 '66 | 33 | 00
1 Loyd Parkers | Carpenter | May 1'66 | May 31 66 | 31 | 25 | 00 | per month | May 11' 1866 | 25 | 00 | On duty as Carpenter in Q. W. Dept H. B. Lauderdale [[very small text below]] | May 22 '66 | May 31 '66
2 Wakefield Hedgeman | Carpenter | May 22 66 | May 31 66 | 10 | 35 | 00 | May 22" 1866 | 11 | 66 2/3 | On duty as Carpenter in Q. W. Dept H. B. Lauderdale [[?]] | May 22 '66 | May 31 '66 | 33 | 00
1 Charles King | Ambulance Driver | May 11/66 | May 31/66 | 21 | 15 | 00 | per month | May 11' 1866 | 10 | 50 | """""" | May 11 '66 | May 31 '66 | 10 | 50
2 Henry Simmons | Ambulance Driver | May 11 66 | May 31 66 | 21 | 15 | 00 | per month | May 11 1866 | 10 | 50 | """"" | May 11 '66 | May 31 '66 | 10 | 50
1 Anderson Jones | Teamster | May 4 66 | May 31 66 | 28 | 15 | 00 | per month | May 4' 1866 | 14 | 00 | On duty as Teamster in Q. W. Dept H. B. Lauderdale Miss | May 4th 66 | May 31 '66 | 14 | 00
2 Henry Pigford | Teamster | May 1 66 | May 31 66 | 31 | 15 | 00 | per month | May 1 1866 | 15 | 00 | [[small text above]] Pay due him as [[?]] needer [[?]] with P. a. simmons [[?]] [[primary text]] On duty as Teamster in Q. W. Dept H. B. Lauderdale Miss | April 15/66 | May 31 '66 | 23 | 00
3 Richard Battle | Teamster | May 11 66 | May 31 66 | 21 | 15 | 00 | per month | May 11 1866 | 10 | 50 | On duty as Teamster in Q. W. Dept H. B. Lauderdale Miss | May 11 66 | May 31/66 | 10 | 50 
1 Genge Bashear | Watchman | May 11 66 | May 31 66 | 21 | 15 | 00 | per month | May 11 1866 | 10 | 50 | On duty as Night Watchman in Q. W. Dept H. B. Lauderdale Miss | May 11 66 | May 31 '66
2 Henry Blackhorn | Watchman | May 11 66 | May 31 66 | 21 | 15 | 00 | per month | May 11 1866 | 10 | 50 | On duty as Night Watchman in Q. W. Dept H. B. Lauderdale Miss | May 11 66 | May 31 '66
1 Henry Hayes | Wordchopper [[?]]| May 11 66 | May 31 66 | 21 | 15 | 00 | per month | May 11 1866 | 10 | 50 | On duty as Word Chopper in Q. W. Dept H. B. Lauderdale Miss | May 11 66 | May 31 '66
Amount of rent and hire during the month | 579 | 50 | Total amounts due and remaining unpaid | 740 | 50

I certify, on Honors, that the above is a true Report of all the Persons and Articles Employed and hired in the Freedmen's Bureau at Lauderdale State of Mississippi, during the month of May, 1866, and that the observations under the head of  "Remarks," and the statement of amounts due and remaining unpaid are correct.
Nemy W Raiwab
Capt. U. R. [[le?]] asst. Lab Comt A. A. Q. M. T. B