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NARA 539 October 12th 1867 Statement of Prince Hale, Freedman States that on the 12th day of Jany 1867 he contracted with John H. Riley of Newton Co [[strikethrough]] fo [[\strikethrough]] to work his farm for one half of the corn and one third of the cotton. He worked until the 18th of March 1867 There was a man (freedman) named Andy Riley acting as an overseer threatened his life and abused him in every manner and in self defence he struck him. He went to Mr. Riley and told him he could not get along and wanted to leave and asked if his work would satisfy him for the Provisions he had had and was told yes. He now complains that he owes him 51 dollars. he had 58 lbs meat and 8 Bush. Meal about 1.50 per bush. 33 lbs. shoots about 5 cts 10 lbs. flour about 8 cts
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