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1866 Mary Needam Freed woman 
Dr to Francis Vance
20 yds of cloth at 8 p per yd for her boys $20.00
making ton 2 dollars 2.00
2 bed quilts 3.00
2 pare of shoes $3 per pare 6.00
other clothing to the amount of 5.00
tobaco 5.00
2 pocket knives 1.00
Doctor bill 13.00
Lost time 26 days 2.00

Newton County
The state of Mississippi personally apeared before me Wa Pullin an acting Justice of the Peace of said county Francis Vance who being Duly sworn Deposith and sayeth that the above account is correct and true
Sworn into and subscribed before me this the 10th day of January AD 1868
W.A Pullin JP

Francis X Vance