Viewing page 30 of 240

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NARA 5[[?]]


Bill Burnell's Lost time

[[2 Columned Table]]
| --- | --- |

everything below here is incorrect

|May|21st|1/2 Day|
|---|22nd|1 Day|
|---|23rd|1 Day|
|---|29th|1 Day|
|June|6th|1/2 Day|
|---|13th|1/2 Day|
|---|15th|1/2 Day|
|---|16th|1 Day|
|---|17th|1/2 Day|
|---|20th|1/2 Day|
|---|26th|1 Day|
|---|27th|1/2 Day|
|---|29th|1 Day|
|---|30th|1 Day|
|---|31st|1 Day|
|July|1st|1 Day|
|---|2nd|1 Day|
|---3rd|1 Day|

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-04-01 12:02:39 The table as transcribed her is not correctly formatted, pls read instructions on how to transcribe tables and other formatting rules