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Bureau Refugees, Freedmen and Abandoned Lands,
Headquarters Ass't Sub-Ass't Com'r 4th Div. 2nd. Sub-District,
Burkeville, Nottoway Co. Va.,May 30th 1868.

Bvt Capt W.A. Coulter
AAAG Head Qrs Asst Comm'r Dist of Virginia
Richmond, Va.
(Thro' Head Qrs 2d Sub Dist)


In accordance with the provisions of Circular No 6, series of 1866, Head Qrs Assistant Commissioner State of Virginia, I have the honor to submit the following report of the condition of Bureau Affairs in the County of Nottoway, Virginia, for the month of May 1868.

Everything has been very quiet in this Sub division during the month and but few complaints have been received. Owing to the backwardness of the season all farms and farm laborers are now very busy and can not afford to leave their work to present complaints, except in aggravated cases. The freedmen are fully employed and appear to realize the necessity of laboring faithfully in order to provide for themselves and families. No complaints of idleness on their part have been received and as a general thing they are doing well.

There is but little destitution existing among the freedmen, what there is being confined to the aged and infirm. The paupers, the number of whom is inconsiderable

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