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Bureau of Refugees Freedman and A. Lands
Office A.S.A Comm. 5th Division 2nd Sub Dist. VA
Amelia C.H. May 30th 1868.

Maj  J. R. Stone
S. A. Comm. 2nd Sub. Dist.
Petersburg VA

In compliance with Circular No. 6, Series of 1866, Hd Qrs Asst. Comm. Dist. of Va. I have the honor to report that no very material changes have taken place in my Divn. Since my last report in the general condition of Bureau affairs. No cases of extreme suffering, by reason of Poverty, has come to my knowledge during the months, schools have been well attended as report will show. Employer and Employe are getting along apparently, very well together as yet, although there is some talk of threats being made by Employers to discharge their hands if they vote for the Constitution or vote the Republican ticket, but no demonstrations have