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Bureau of R. F. & A L.
Office of the A. S. A. Commissioner 
5th Div. 4th Sub Dist Va
Culpeper C. H. Va 
May 31st, 1868

Brig. Genl. O. Brown
Asst Commissioner Dist of Virginia
Richmond Va

I have the honor to report in compliance with Circular No. 6 Hd. Qrs. Asst Comr State of Va dated Richmond Va January 29th 1866, the condition of Bureau affairs in my division for the month of May 1868. 

The freedpeople are at this time very busy about their farm labor The vast amount of wet weather has very naturally impeded their efforts to get in a crop. Citizens all declare that such an unfavorable season for carrying on farm work has not been known for many years. No complaints of any importance have been lodged in this office during the month by blacks against the whites neither on the other hand have I been waited upon with complaints of the whites against the blacks. Affairs seem to be in a very harmonious condition throughout the limits of my Division. No cases of 
