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building will hardly meet the wants of these people whenever the Bureau withdraws its charity from them; upwards of one hundred (100) persons only can be comfortably provided for which is in my opinion about two thirds of the whole number who are to become a charge upon the city. 

The freedpeople in the Counties of Henrico and Chesterfield continue to labor faithfully but few cases of extreme destitution are known to exist, these are principaly old people who have been deserted by their former owners and left to the care of an uncharitable world after near a half century's unrewarded toil. The crops in this Division will turn out much better than anticipated. The corn crop is backward but wheat and other cereals are promising.

The work of temperance amongst the freedmen is without material change; within one year their has been a radical conversion of a large number to the cause, and a growing desire on the part of the most influential of their race