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Bureau R. F. and A. Lands
Hd. Qrs. 10th Sub- Dist. of Virginia
Alexandria Va July 7th 1868.

Bvt Brig. Gen. O. Brown
Bureau R F. & A Lands

In compliance with Circular No 6 from Head Quarters Asst. Com'r State of Virginia January 29th 1866, I have the honor to submit the following report of the operations of the Bureau R.F. & A. Lands, in the 10th Sub- District of Virginia for the month of June 1868:-

The schools have all had their examinations and closed for the summer vacation. Many of the scholars having already left school for the purpose of assisting the cultivation of the crops, thus lessening the number reported as in attendance during the past month; The following table exhibits the total attendance and schools in operation.

Divisions  First  Second  Third  Total
Schools      15     7       12     34
Teachers     20     7       13     40
Scholars    804    239     366   1409