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L.B. 331. 1st Vol.
Bureau Refugees, Freedmen and Abandoned Lands,
Office Asst. Sub-Asst. Commissioner, First Division Third Sub-District of Virginia,
Richmond, Va., July 31st 1868.

Lieut. Paul R. Hambrick
Sub. Asst. Com'r 3rd Sub. Dist, Va. 
In compliance with instructions contained in Circular, No. 6, dated Bureau R.F. and A.L. Head-Quarters Asst. Com'r State of Va. Richmond, Va., January 29th, 1866. I have the honor to make the following report. 
In all portions of this division except Richmond the colored people are better prepared to withstand the storms of winter than at any time since thrown upon their own resources. The lands they have under cultivation will bring forth good harvests of grains and vegetables, which is cheering to hearts of these hardworking people, who are straining every nerve to purchase for themselves by their own labor an independent livelihood. From present indications Bureau Charity can be altogether withdrawn.

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-03-27 15:55:22 Reviewer left a lot of mistakes. Reopened.