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I am yet unable to report a favorable change in the political bearing of the whites. They still indulge in prescribing the colored man because of his affiliation with the republican party. The greatest enemies of the colored man are the law, ignorant and reckless whites many of whom are mere tools in the hands of disappointed and scheming politicians, whose avowed hatred of union men generally is only in keeping with their treasonable course during the war. The most ignorant whites, - number of whom are of foreign birth - bitterly oppose educational advancement of the colored race. The appointment on the 24th, instant of Samuel F. Maddox A. S. A. C. for Chesterfield County will advance the interest of the colored people there. On account of the arduous duties of this Office emanating from Richmond, Manchester and a portion of Henrico County large portions of Chesterfield County have necessarily been neglected. Mr Maddox will be able to reach all cases that demand his attention. He is a very popular representative of the colored mans moral and educational advancement.