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Bureau Refugees, Freedmen and Abandoned Lands, 
Headquarters Asst Sub-Asst Com'r 4th Div 2nd Sub-District,
Burkeville, Nottoway Co. Va., July 31st 1868.  

B'v't Captain W.A. Coulter
A.A.A. Gen'l Head Qr's Ass't Comm'r Dist. of Va.,
Richmond, Virginia. 
(Thro' Head Qr's 2nd Sub. District.)

In accordance with the provisions of Circular No. 6, Series of 1866, Head Quarters Assistant Commissioner State of Virginia, I have the honor to submit the following report of the condition of Bureau Affairs in the Counties of Nottoway and Lunenburg, Virginia, for the month of July 1868. 
There have been more complaints this month than last, but as farm duties still demand constant attention it is only the more serious wrongs, requiring immediate redress, that are brought to the attention of the Bureau Officer, cases of minor importance being allowed to lie over until the busy season shall have passed. The freedmen are fully employed and appear to realize the necessity of laboring faithfully in order to support themselves and families and complaints of idleness on their part are made only in isolated cases.
Reports are being received that the white people are threatening the freedmen with loss of employment and consequent starvation, as well as with bodily injury, unless they exercise the elective franchise in accordance with their wishes and directions; This is particularly

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