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the case in Lunenberg County where the passions of both parties are much excited and it is feared that the late riot is but the commencement of the troubles there; that County has always had the reputation of being one of the most turbulent in the State and the present disorganized condition of affairs is not calculated to improve such a community. It is believed that had the Bureau Officer been present at Lunenburg C.H. last Court day the riot would not have occurred, that the discontinuance of the Office there at this time can not fail to exercise a most unfavorable influence on freedmen's affairs in the County and that the constant presence there of an Officer is of the utmost importance, for these reasons the re-establishment of the Office is recommended.

There is but little destitution existing among the freedmen in this Sub Division and that principally among the aged and infirm. The paupers, of whom there are but few, are provided for by the proper civil Officers and I have neither seen or heard of any vagrants. 

I have noticed but little intoxication among the freedmen lately, which, however, may be merely the result of there being so few idle and not of any decrease in the use of Ardent spirits. 

Tho' the freedmen treat the white citizens with respect, it is apparent that a feeling of distrust exists between them, this is, to a great extent, occasioned by the unprincipled conduct of many Employers in their dealings with the freedmen, taking every possible advantage of their ignorance. 

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---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-03-27 09:23:22