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Bureau of R F & A Lands
Offices of A. S. A. Comr 2d D 10th S.D. Va
Manassa Va July 31 1868

Bvt Brig Genl O. Brown
Bureau of R F & A L
Richmond Va

In compliance with Circular No 6 Series 1866. I have the honor to report the state of feeling between the Whites and Freedmen to be more bitter than before reported in consequence of the polictical excitement now existing. The whites are determined that the Freedmen shall not be enfranchised. The Freedmen are as a class industrious and well behaved. Living up to their contracts I have failed hear so much about the "Nigger" not working as of old but on the other hand the employer fails to pay his help as much as he used to. The schools are all closed for the summer and the children at work. The Harvest in this section show an abundant crop. The long continued dry weather has injured late crops very much. Upon the whole the Freedmen have made great advancement

I am General Very Respectfully
Your Obt Servt
W. S. Chase A.S.A.C