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Without recourse to the Civil Authorities.

A tract on the duties and obligations of the marriage relation, has been largely circulated, and read in numerous public assemblies.  It is having its influence for good.

The Temperance Divisions still continue to increase in numbers, and very few have been tempted to break their pledge.  Some have been reclaimed, who had previously fallen, and are not doing all in their power to promote the cause.

Orphan Children have received attention, and efforts made to have the obligations of their Indentures fully complied with.  Morally, Spiritually and intellectually, there has been a gradual improvement - the children and day Scholars, studying at their homes, with considerable interest manifested by their Parents and Friends, to have them make further advancement.

In conclusion I would state that the supply of labor is about equal to the demand, which gives the Freedmen an opportunity, on being ejected at one place, to obtain employment at another.

I am Captain, Very Respectfully,
Your Ob't Servant
C S Schaeffer A.S.A. Com'r