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izing themselves for the purpose of raising money to assist in the support of  their schools when they shall again be opened
There is but little interested manifestation on the subject of temperance, though the freedmen are not more adicted to the habit of intemperance there than elsewhere.
I find one organised temperance society of adults and learn that such organisation exist among the pupils of the schools but they are in operation during the recess of he schools. Steps are being taken to organise other temperance movements among them.
The feelings existing between the races seems on the whole to be friendly, though there is an under current which occationally exibits its self in a ripple on the surface, showing that there is at least some bitterness among the people. Should the occation require it a more full report will be made on this point here after
Very respectfully your obd't Sev't
D.B. Whith  A.S.A. Comr.

Transcription Notes:
this follows previous page where the last word is finished on this page