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Your officer during the past month received an anonimous communication, allowing him ten days to remain in Montgomery County, threatening his life, in the event of non compliance with those orders. Of course none but cowards would resort to such a contemptable act, and if they had in view harm to my person, they would not let it be known. While there are many who have not good will toward me, on account of the position I occupy, as the friend and protector of the Freedmen, and who would do me personal violence, provided they could accomplish their designs without fear of apprehension; yet I do not consider these threats alarming, or in any way calculated to drive me from my Post of duty -  which seems to have been the purpose of the parties penning it.

The only times when I have cause to apprehend danger, is when taking those long rides alone across the mountains, to visit the Several County Seats at a distance from the Rail Road. Up to the present however, I have never been molested, although riding night and day - and perhaps may not in the future.

I am Captain, Very Respectfully
Your Ob't. Servant
C.S Schaeffer
Asst. Sub Asst. Comr.