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such cases I have tried my best to have the Grand Jury make presentments but they failed to do so. The whites are all armed and offer as a reason for arming themselves, the fear of a "Nigger insurrection", which insurrection, is about as probable as water running up the side of a mountain. There are a few loyal white men in this country, but they dare not speak of it- they tell me they are living in constant fear of their lives. One of those persons was taken from his house a few nights ago, and dragged all over the neighborhood by persons to him unknown; he was admonished by his mysterious captors that his life hung upon his silence. I do hope that some steps may be taken by which the loyalist, white or black, may feel secure in his person and property. 
very respectfully,
your obdt. Servt.
M. Moulden
Asst.Sub. Asst. Comr

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-03-27 14:29:46 Grand Jury