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as a man comes in contact with the white man's peculiar ideas of right and justice. In business matters the Bureau is being continually called upon to interpose its authority in behalf of justice and the black man. In business matters particularly do I find a general disposition to wrong the black man, more, I judge, from a universal disregard of what is just and right when a black man is concerned, than from any inherent dishonesty on the part of the whites. Did I come to any other conclusion, I would know of no redeeming trait upon which to hang a hope that even the moral influences of the Christian religion and the better example which all new citizens are setting before them would, in time, change all these things for the good of all. 

I am, General.
Very Respectfully 
Your Obedt Servt
P.H. McLaughlin 
A.S.A. Com. B.R.F.& A.L.