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Bureau,R.F & A.L
Office of 3 Div 9th Dist
Woodstock Augt 31st 1868

Brig Genl O Brown
Ast Com, Genl

I have the honor to report the affairs of the Bureau, are in a quiet and flourishing condition, Since the 16th August at which time I took charge of the Bureau here, nothing has occurred to which I could take exception, There has been no disturbance or violation of Law that has come to my knowledge, I am happy to state there is not that vindictive feeling manifested here which I have seen in other parts of the state, I look hopefully to the future, The Freedmen are generally employed and thus far I have heard no complaints about pay for their services, The schools are not in operation at this time, The Freedmen have a flourishing sabbath school in Woodstock and have [[?]] increased in numbers during the last week I have not visited Rockingham County and cannot

Transcription Notes:
This copied letter is incomplete and seems to continue on the subsequent page.