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Headquarters 2d Division
Bureau R.F. & A Lands
Pottsylvania C.H. October 1st 1868
Capt. R.S. Lacey
S.A. Commr
Lynchburg Va
I have the honor to make the following report for the month of September in compliance with instructions contained in circular No. 6 Series 1866.
Their (There) seems to be a better state of feeling between the white and colored people for the past month very few complaints have come to this office the good feeling is owing no doubt in a great measure to the fact that there is no political agitation in the county and both colored seem to have settled down in dead earnest to make the most out of the bountiful harvest. The complaints that have come to this office are of a trifling nature and are easily settled. There has been no cases reported for assaults. There has been one night school in operation for the past two weeks taught by a Freedboy by the name of Royall H. Gregory he has a number of scholars and is getting along nicely. The other schools have not yet opened for the winter. We have two chronic drunkards in the county who are a source of some trouble. The colored people with those two exceptions are temperate