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the charge of Mr Chas. W. McMahon opened its session on the 21st of September and is in a very flourishing condition under his efficient management.  The freedpeople at Tower Hill in this county under the Auspices of Mr. A. Varner are building a new house for school purposes but lack means to complete it.  These gentlemen deserve great credit for their energy and zeal in the work.  At both of the above named places church services are held regularly and largely attended   Good order is observed.  I have seen no intemperance among the freedmen of this county and do not think this evil exists to any extent.  The freedmen appear comfortably clad as a general thing.  The old and infirm may need some assistance in the way of clothing and food during the seven winter months.

Very Respectfully
Your obedient servt
S.A. Nasmith
Lt 12th U.S.I and A.S.A Commr 6th Div

Transcription Notes:
Only unclear on signature. Difficult to read, looks like Nasmith