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settlement of the organic law of the state and of all political and other relations.

The population, as a whole, are living from hand to mouth.  The freedmen are almost wholly tenants, though a few are getting hold of land.  The landlords are, I think, usually lenient towards their tenants, which is, I believe, due to the possession of civil rights by the latter.

Schools have been opened upon a paying basis: it is expected that the avails of tuition will cover from one third to one half the expense of them.  The primary schools of this vicinity are taught by pupils of the "Hampton Normal School

The temperance movement is not active.  The "Good Samaritans" and other societies for the promotion of total abstinence are quite undemonstrative.

Very respectfully  Your Obdt Servt
S.C. Armstrong
S.A.C. in charge 1st Div. 5th Sub Dist Va