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[[2 columned table]]
|   |   |
| Hollis T.O. | 272. |
| Homer R.C. Capt & Asst Supt | 264 |
| Hopkins J.W.M. | 342 |
| Horner Caleb Surg in Chief Br etc. | G.71. |
| Hovey H.W. | 54. |
| How W.S. Capt A.Q.M. & [[Supt?]] | 1.18.P36.34.2/46.74.99.P.162.247.258 |
| Howard Wm. S. "C.C." | 10.68 |
| Howard O. O. Maj Genl & Com'r | 27.V41.41.X43.50 E.48.P.55.R.57.J.65.P.76.A.142.D182.|
|   |200.J.213.272.315.Q325.W.336.|
| Howlett George (col'd) | 101.179. |
| Howlett Wilson (cold) | 101.179. |
| Howlett Thomas | V.101.Z.17.7. |
| Hudgins E.W. | 46.W.58.304. |
| Hudgins B.F. | |
| Hudgins R.S. | T.63.118.334 |
| Hudgins Harriet. H. | 120. |
| Hudgins E.C. | X299. |
| Hull H J. | 175.242.339. |
| Hume Thomas | 7.N.35.D.68 |
| Hunt W.H. | 29.59.[[?]].120.238 |
| Hunton C.H. | 276. |
| Hurlbut Thomas. S. | 217. |
| Hurndon Anna cold | B.110 |

[[2 columned table]]
|   |   |
| Haldeman J.S. | 131.|
| Hall Harriet. | U.100.|
| Hall Peter cold | C.305|
| Halsey T.P. | 308.|
| Hambrick P.R. Capt etc. | 283.|
| Ham William | 337.|
| Harris Charles | 52.|
| Harris E.K. | 136.|
| Harris Elizabeth. A. | 152.298|
| Harris Mary Ann col'd | 53.78.96.D.149|
| Harris James cold dec'd | D.149.|
| Harris J.D. a.a.Surg | X.|
| Harrison [[N?]] Judge etc. | 92.225.|
| Harrison Munford | 187.202.|
| Harrison Edwin cold | 189.298.|
| Harrison William. H. (cold) | E.183|
| Hartsuff Maj Genl | E.48.J.57.U.81.Q.325.|
| Hartley E Spl Agent Treasy | C.67.B.145|
| Hart J.P. Capt | K.93|
| Hatcher Benjamin | V101.Z.178.|
| Hatcher Thomas | Z.178|
| Hawkins Jno. H. | 37.43|
| Hawkins John | 143.|
| Hawk P.S. Chaplain & A.S. | S.17.|
| Haweshan William. R. | 340.|
| Haynes Martha M | 177.298.328.|
| Hayes and Rowe | 273.|
| Healy Robert | 122.237.|
| Hennessee A.G. | 8|
| Henneberry. P. | 329.|
| Herrington. H. | 164.|
| Herbert Thomas. S. | 240.|
| Hicks Geo. A. Bvt Maj & a.a.G. | 75.89.185.|
| Hill Charles cold | X.62|
| Hindes Geo. W. Lt Col 96. N.Y.V. | T.167|
| Hodges Wm. M. | 10.130.|
| Hodges Wm. J. cold | Q.193|
| Hodges Edith | 230.|
| Hodges Geo. T. | 327.|
| Hodgkins Daniel | 222.|
| Hoffman E.H. (late Surg) | 71.|
| Hoggard Tharmar | Q.98|
| Holmes L.K. "Supt of labor" | 83.|
| Hollowman Isaac | E.69|
| Hollin Isaac col'd | W.210|
See left hand page

Transcription Notes:
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