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Office Supt 1st Dist of Va Oct 23d 1865. 
Respectfully returned to Mr Jackson asst Supt P. Anne Co. Va. and attention called to Col Browns endorsement
(Sgd) AS Flagg Capt & a.q.m. &c
Norfolk Oct 25th 1865.
Respectfully returned to Capt Flagg a.q.m Supt.
I called yesterday at Eliza Blunts. She will be ejected from her house on Baxter Farm #1. and is most anxious to return to Edenton where she states she can support herself and family. 
(Sgd) Thos. P. Jackson asst supt

Norfolk Va Octo 25th 1865. 
Respectfully returned to Col. O. Brown asst com'r B.R F. & A.L. Richmond Va.
(Sgd) A.S. Flagg Capt & a.g.m. &c

Richmond Va Octo 29th 1865.  
Respectfully returned to Capt Flagg aqm &c. Let the list of destitute persons on Gov't farms together with their former homes, be made out at once. It will be much less expense to send them in large parties, than by separate families. This list should have been furnished these Hd Qrs a long time since, to have enabled the asst com'r to send these people to their former homes.
By order of Col. O. Brown 
(Sgd) James. A. Bates a.a.a.G.
Ret'd Octo 29th 1865. 

Thos. P. Jackson
Asst Supt &c
Norfolk Va
Oct 23d 1865

Rec'd Oct 29th 1865.
Applies for transportation for "Cherry Maybee" (colored) from Norfolk to Elizabeth City N.C.
Norfolk Va Oct 24th 1865.
Respectfully referred to Col. O. Brown asst com'r R of R.F. & A.L. Richmond Va.
(Sgd) A.S. Flagg Capt & a.q.m. &c
Richmond Va Oct 29th 1865.
Respectfully returned with reference to other endorsement from this office.
By order of Col O Brown
(Sgd) James A Bates a.a.a.G.
Ret'd Oct 29th 1865.


Thos. P. Jackson Asst 
Asst Supt &c
Norfolk Va
Oct 11th 1865

Rec'd Oct 29th, 1865
Makes application for transportation of colored persons from Norfolk to Middlesex Co. Va.
Office Supt 1st Dist of Va 
Oct 13th 1865.
Respectfully referred to Col. O. Brown asst com of Va
(Sgd) A.S. Flagg Capt & a.q.m. &c

Richmond Va Oct 29th 1865.
Respectfully returned with reference to other endorsements on like application.
By order of Col. O. Brown
(Sgd)James A. Bates a.a.a.g.
Rec'd Oct 29th 1865.

C.E. Johnston 
Asst Supt &c 
Norfolk Va
Oct 24th 1865.

Rec'd Oct 29th 1865. 
asks report of Mr Jackson in relation to the               
"Taylor Farm"
Norfolk Va Oct 24th 1865.
Respectfully forwarded to Capt Flagg aqm supt &c
Upwards of 100 colored persons live on this farm 400 of whom ar families and 305 under 14 years of age -  The majority of dependents are soldiers families, and it is evident that compulsory removal of these while their husbands are in the U.S. Service or until the widows and orphans have collected back pay, bounty. &c due their deceased husbands and fathers will be attended with great suffering, and in view of the promises made on enlistment, be unjust.  From many Gov't farms now restored to former owners, more or less helpless soldiers families, and infirm persons, must be removed, and require other homes, and as the aggregate number of these is large, the withdrawal from "Taylor farm" of all able to support themselves will not more than make room for the homeless - with careful forethought cabins and ample school houses have been erected on this farm, so that charity, and instruction, can go hand in hand, and Economy, and Humanity. alike plead that "Taylor farm" be held or leased as a home for helpless freedmen for the year 1866. 
(Sgd) Thos. P. Jackson asst supt &c

Transcription Notes:
Unclear words should be enclosed in brackets as such [[guess?]]