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for investigation and report. Mr Daniels should have his property restored to him if it can be done without causing great suffering among the Freedmen - arrangements must be made if possible so that Mr Daniels will not be injured in his crops the coming year. Any worthless buildings can be at once turned over.
By order of Col. O. Brown
(Sgd) James. A. Bates A.A.A.G
Fow'd Nov 5th 1865.

Marg't. E. Conway
Oct 30th 1865.

Rec'd Nov 5th 1865.
Is disappointed in receiving no answers from her two letters, addressed to Col Brown. within the last two months, in relation to several servants who formerly belonged to her. Asking them them to be sent to their parents at Yellow Springs Ohio. &c

Richmond Va Nov 5th 1865.
Respectfully returned to Mrs Conway with the information. That her previous letter was sent to Lieut Merrell Supt of 3rd Dist with instructions to find if possible the persons referred to in the letter.
By order of Col. O. Brown
(Sgd) James A Bates A.A.A.G
Ret'd Nov 5th 1865.

Chas Harris
Norfolk Va
Nov 1st 1865

Rec'd Nov 5th 1865
Applies for rent of his property on Talbot St. in that city. from the time that the U.S. authorities took possession of it, until the 16th day of October last at $35 per month. States that the property was seized for Military purposes. and not as abandoned property.

Norfolk Va Nov  2nd 1865.
Respectfully forwarded. The stables and other buildings held by the Bureau on Talbot Street have been regularly reported on Quarter Master Rolls. and have never been held on the papers of the Bureau. They were seized as a Military necessity, and were transferred by Capt Blunt to Capt Brown A.Q.M at an undetermined rent.
The Quartermaster has paid rent for property under similar cases.
(Sgd) Charles. E. Johnston Asst Dept



Norfolk Va Nov 3rd 1865.
Respectfully forwarded to Col. O. Brown asst comr &c. I cannot agree with Mr Johnston that the Gov't is under the slightest obligation to pay Mr Harris rents prior to date of order of restoration which is Oct 16th 1865. By an order of Maj Gen'l B F Butler Feby 12th 1864 "all Estates in his Dept abandoned or then occupied by Rebels" were ordered ordered turned over to the "Superintend of Negro Affairs" of Treasury Ag't by the "Military Commanders". This property among the rest was included and altho' already in the hands the Quarter Master and has been reported for undetermined rent, yet was the property or "Estate" of a "Rebel". The very fact that Mr Harris was obliged to obtain a Special Pardon proves this and he also admits the fact. I should therefore conclude that Mr Harris should be treated on the same principles as other rebels and the same rules apply to his property. The Reporting Monthly on Quarter Masters papers of this property, was simply an error and in contravention of Gen'l Butler's order and can not in the slightest manner substantiate a claim for Rents to Mr Harris against the Gov't. Evidently a small rent may be paid him for its use by the Bureau from Oct 16th to Oct 30th when it was formally surrendered to its former owner.
(Sgd) A.S. Flagg Capt & A.Q.M &c

Richmond Va Nov 5th 1865.
Respectfully returned. Rent cannot be paid by this Bureau for the within named property.
By order of Col. O. Brown
(Sgd) James. A. Bates A.A.A.G
Ret'd Nov 5th 1865.

H. Wood & Son
Atty's for
Mary A Harris
Clarksville Va
Oct 9th 1865

Rec'd Back Nov 5th 1865
Petersburg Nov 3rd 1865
Respectfully returned. The papers have never been recieved [[received]] at this office. I would respectfully ask information as to how they were sent. And that careful inquiry be made, as they contained original certificate of deposits on which the money ($710.) must be collected. They are of great importance.
(Sgd) Stuart Barnes Capt & A.Q.M. &c

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