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The Asst Commissioner respectfully enquires why the Quarter Master at Fort Monroe refuses to obey Gen'l order No. 138 C.S. War Dept A.G.O. 
Very Respectfully
Sgd. James A. Bates Capt & a.a.a.G
Fow'd Nov 12th 1865.

C.B. Wilder
Capt & AQM
Fort Monroe

Rec'd Nov 11th 1865.
Returning "Circular" of date Nov 6th 1865 from Hd. Qrs Asst Com'r &c Richmond Va. with the following Endorsement.
Fort Monroe Va Nov 8th 1865.
Respectfully returned to Col. O. Brown asst com'r &c for information as to the nature of the discrepancies referred to. Is the report of the Supt of this Dist greater or less than that of the Comis'y? My returns for rations drawn are made up from the requisitions placed in the hands of the Comis'y based upon the number of indigent persons who draw rations regularly. the number dropped and number added being about equal. 
(Sgd) C.B Wilder Capt & A.Q.M. & Supt

Richmond Va Nov 11th 1865
Respectfully returned. There were no discrepancies in Capt. Wilders report. This Circular being issued to Superintendents a copy was forwarded for his information.
By order of Col. O. Brown
Sgd. James A. Bates a.a.a.G
Ret'd Nov 12th 1865.

Nat Low Jr
Capt & A.Q.M
Norfolk Va
Nov 7th 1865.

Rec'd Nov 11th 1865.
Certifies that house No 90 Bute St is on his papers and that he is paying rent for the same.

Norfolk Va Nov 7th 1865
Respectfully forwarded. This house is on our papers as the property of Mrs. Blackmore. It was transferred the Treasury Dept. There is evidently a mistake in our papers and I would respectfully request that an order be issued for its restoration.
(Sgd) Charles E. Johnston Asst. Supt.

Norfolk Va Nov 8th 1865.
Respectfully referred for orders to Col. Brown.
(Sgd) A.S. Flagg Capt & A.Q.M. &c


Richmond Va Nov 11th 1865.
Respectfully returned. I see no evidence of the "mistake" The property may have been transferred as in possession of the Q.M. Dept.
By order of Col O. Brown 
(Sgd) James. A. Bates a.a.a.G.
Ret'd Nov 12th 1865.

L K Holmes
Supt of Labor
Q.M. Dept
Nov 10th 1865.

Rec'd Nov 11th 1865.
Certifies that the bearers Albert Modee & Manuel Carter (col'd) have been discharged from Qr Mr Dept. & wish to return to their homes.

Richmond Nov 11th 1865.
Respectfully forwarded to Col. O. Brown asst. Comr. To know if it is the policy of the Gov't to transport discharged Laborers to their homes. 
(Sgd) H.S Merrell Lieut. Supt. &c

Richmond Va Nov 11th 1865
Respectfully returned. Disapproved.
By order of Col. O. Brown
Sgd. James A. Bates a.a.a.G.
Ret'd Nov 13th 1865

Wm. Ambus 
Manchester Va
Nov 11th 1865

Rec'd Nov 11th 1865.
States that "Matilda Bolling (Col'd) informs him that two of her grandchildren were taken this morning by a gentlemen from Cumberland named Overton Smith and carried to that county".
States that she is entirely able to provide and care for the children, and being their nearest relative in law she is entitled to their custody. 

Richmond Nov 11th 1865.
Respectfully forwarded to Col. O. Brown asst comr with the information that I believe this man has attempted to kidnap these two children and request that Capt Barnes be instructed to have to have him arrested and forwarded to this office. He lives six miles above Cumberland Court House Va.
(Sgd) H.S. Merrell Lieut. & Supt. 

Richmond Va Nov 11th 1865.
Respectfully referred to Capt Barnes who will notify Mr. Smith to report without delay to the Freedmens Court in Richmond with the children.

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