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Richmond Va Nov 14th 1865.
Respectfully referred to Capt Stuart Barnes A.Q.M. & Supt & c inviting attention to endorsement of Col Woodhull.
By order of Col. O. Brown
(Sg'd) James A. Bates A.A.A.G
Fow'd Nov 15th 1865.

H.B. Scott
Lt Col & Ins Gen'l
Oct 24 1865

Rec'd Nov 4th 1865.
Requests information relative to the pay of the employees at the Saw Mill at Point of Rocks.
Petersburg Nov 3d 1865.
Respectfully returned. The most of the men have been at work two months up to Oct 1st since which time no disbursements of money can be made by Supts until such estimate of funds is approved by Gen'l Howard. Hence the cause of the delay in payments.
(Sg'd) Stuart Barnes Capt & A.Q.M. & c

N. Harrison
Judge of Ninth Jud'l Court of W. Va.
Lewisburgh Greenbrier Co. W. Va
July 26th 1865.

Rec'd Sept 13th 1865.
Reports several families of Negroes about two miles from Lewisburgh in a most destitute condition. solicits prompt action looking to their relief. mentions their history. and has forwarded triplicate of this letter to Gen'l Oley & Col W.W. Griswold. Remarks on the condition of the colored people in his District, says that the civil laws of the state do not meet their case, and urges the matter on the attention of the Military Authorities.
State of West Virginia
Executive Department

Whuling Aug 12th 1865.
Respectfully referred to Brevet Major Gen'l Emory. These Negroes are sent from beyond the lines of this state and of this Department, and if this thing continues our State will be overrun by these paupers-- The civil authority is inadequate to the case. If you could send them back to their former masters, or by correspondence with the Commander of the Department whence they came have this desirable end effected. You will not only oblige me but will be doing good service to the state and these colored people also. The writer of this letter is one of the Judges of the State.
Sg'd A.J. Boreman Gov


Cumberland Md Aug 17th 1865
Respectfully forwarded for the information of the Maj Gen'l Comd'g the Dept and attention asked to the endorsement of Gov Boreman- I recommend in addition to the endorsement of Gov Boreman that Mr Carey Buckenridge of Bottetourt [[Botetourt]] Co East Va be notified that any changes to which the United States may be subjected for the support of these colored people sent into this District will be refunded by him. It is proper for me to say that I have directed Capt J.P. Hart A.A.I. Gen'l of this Dist. now on a tour of inspection. to examine more fully into the case herein stated and to instruct Col Griswold 152d Ind Comdg in the Kanawha Valley, to see that these people do not suffer.
(Sg'd) W.H. Emery B.M.G.C.

Baltimore M'd Sept 1st 1865
Respectfully forwarded to Head Quarters Military Division of the Atlantic  and attention invited to the endorsement of Gov Boreman & Brevet Major Gen'l Emory, as this matter is considered beyond the jurisdiction of the comd'g officer Middle Military Department. it is recommended that it be referred to the comd'g officer Dept of Virginia. and to the commissioner of Freedmens Bureau.
(Sg'd) A.A. Humphreys Maj Gen'l Comdg

Phila Sept 6th 1865.
Respectfully referred to the Comd'g General Department of Va for remarks. These papers to be returned.
By command of Maj Gen'l Meade
(Sg'd) Goe. D. Ruggles A.A.G

Richmond Va Sept 12th 1865
Respectfully referred to Col. O. Brown Asst Comr &c  for his remarks.
By command of Maj Gen'l Terry
(Sg'd) Ed. W. Smith A.A.G.
See Letter Book Page 99 in No. 2. & Page 35 in No. 3.
Filed to await report.

T. Brodowski
Nov 14th 1865
 P. 98 

Rec'd Nov 15th 1865.
Prays for protection against the Freedmens Court. erroneous decision & c.

Transcription Notes:
changed Gnrl to Gen'l as more typical shorthand for General