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the appointment of of Freedmen's Judge, attention invited to word "Provost" cause of misunderstanding.
(Sgd) Stuart Barnes Capt & A.A.Q.M.

E.K. Harris
Mecklenburg Co.
Sept 1865
Rec'd Back Nov 12th 1865
Petersburg Va. Nov 10th 1865 
Respectfully referred to Hd. Qrs. Asst. Commis with reference to enclosures. No disorder seems to have arisen from these licenses, this officer has been instructed to annul his licenses and not to assume the duties of a revenue officer.
(Sgd) Stuart Barnes Capt & A.Q.M. &c.

H.E. Merrell
Lieut & Supt.
Nov 21st 1865
Recd Nov 22d 1865
Requests the detail of two Lieutenants to report to him for Asst. Supt.
Richmond Va. Nov 22d 1865
Respectfully forwarded to Brevet Brig. Genl. E. W. Smith A.A.G. approved.
Sgd) James A. Bates Capt & A.A.A.G.
In absence of Col. Brown.
Fow'd Nov 22d 1865

H.H. Curtis
Wm. C. Whitaker
Warwick Co.
Rec'd Nov 7th 1865
Apply for restoration of real estate situated in Warwick Co. Va.
Property restored by S.O. No. 96, Par. 2 dated Head Qrs Asst. Commissioner, State of Va. Richmond Va, Nov 7th 1865.

H.H. Curtis
Warwick Co.
Rec'd Nov 7th 1865
Applies for restoration of tract of land situated in Warwick Co. Va.
Property returned by S.O. No 96, Par. 1, dated Head Qrs. Asst Commissioner State of Va. Richmond, Va. Nov 7th 1865.

John W. Moore
Norfolk Va.
Sept 23d 1865.
Rec'd Nov 9th 1865
Applies for restoration of Farm, and Personal property thereon, in Princess Anne Co.
Norfolk, Va. Oct 20th 1865
Respectfully forwarded to Capt. A.S. Flagg A.Q.M. Supt &c.

The farm is rented to Freedmen whose term of lease expires Dec 31st 1865.
(Sgd) Thos. P. Jackson Asst. Supt.

Norfolk Va. Oct 21st 1865
Respectfully returned to Mr. Jackson Asst Supt R.F.& A.L. for Princess Ann County for proof that the property is now the property of the applicant. It does not appear to be established by clerk of county court - such proof of tile is absolutely necessary.
(Sgd) A.S. Flagg Capt & A.Q.M. &c.

Norfolk Va Nov 3d 1865
Respectfully returned to Capt. A.S. Flagg A.Q.M. Supt &c. with reference to certificate marked "A" of J.J. Burroughs C.C. Princess Ann County of identity of John Moore of "B" with John W. Moore the applicant and validity of his claim to property applied for.
(Sgd) Thos P. Jackson Asst Supt.

Norfolk Va. Nov 4th 1865
Respectfully forwarded to Col. O. Brown Asst Comr Bureau R.F.& A.L. Richmond Va.
(Sgd) A.S. Flagg Capt & A.Q.M. &c.

Property restored by S.O. No. 97, Par 1, dated Head Qrs. Asst Comr State of Va. Richmond Va. Nov 9th 1865.

B.F. Hudgins
Hampton Va.
Aug 28th 1865
Rec'd Back Nov 22 1865
Fort Monroe Nov 20th 1865
Respectfully returned to Col. O. Brown asst comr with the remark that on the 14" I forwarded to you at the request of Mr. Hudgins a petition with all the required papers & he says if they are approved he does not wish this acted on. 
(Sgd) C.B. Wilder Capt & A.Q.M. &c.

Wm. A. Lowell
Norfolk Va.
Nov 7th 1865
Rec'd Back Nov 9th 1865
Norfolk Va Oct 21st 1865
Respectfully returned to Mr. C.E. Johnston Asst Supt. R.F.& A.L. Norfolk County who will notify the applicant of the certificate required and when furnished Mr. Johnston will please forward again.