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Merrell H. S.
Lt & Supt &c
Richmond Va
Dec 1st 1865

L.R. M.6.  Encloses report of Q.M. Stores used in 3d Dist

Office Chf. Q.M. & F.A.
Richmond Va Dec 4th 1865
Respectfully returned to Lt H. S. Merrell A.A.Q.M. & Supt with enclosed report of Q.M. Stores. Lt Merrell will please formed without delay to this offier a report of QM Stores for the month of October 1865, made out on Form 23. Q.M.D. with copies of abstracts and vouchers. as required in letter of instructions from the Asst Comm'r dated Sept 9th 1865.
(Sgd) Geo. Q. White Capt Chf Q.M. & F.A.

Office Supt 3d Dist
Richmond Va 4th 1865
Respectfully returned to Capt Geo Q White Chief Q.M. &c  the enclosed report was made at Col Browns request.
The Supt of the 3d District cannot think that the Assistant Commissioner would ask for report that he did not require.
(Sgd) H. S. Merrell Lt & supt

Office Chf Q M & F A
Richmond Va Dec 5th 1865
Respectfully referred to Col. O. Brown asst Commr with the information that unless the Superintendents make out the required reports for this office. I cannot make up correct consolidated returns for the comr at Washington.
(Sgd) Geo Q White Capt chf Q M & F. A


Bureau R F & A L
Richmond Va Dec 5th 1865
Respectfully returned to Lt H. S. Merrell for reports called for in endorsements of Capt White Chf Q M &c
The reports to Washington from these Hd Qrs are being delayed in consequences of the deferment of the Supt of the 3d Dist.   By order of Col. O. Brown
James A. Bates aaaG
Ret'd Dec 6th 1865.

Barnes Stuart
Capt & aqm &c
Petersburg Va
Dec 3d 1865



Rec'd Back Dec 6th 1865.
Richmond Va Dec 5th 1865
Respectfully returned with the report that I have informed Surg Whitcomb than an order has been received the he will not be mustered out at present. and directed him to remain on duty.   Capt Barnes'


telegram was received. I sent a reply to the telegraph office.
I was returned with the information that they should send no more dispatches to Petersburg - such being the orders - I immediately wrote Capt Barnes and sent same day through Q. M. Dept. Mail.
(Sgd) J. J. DeLamater Surg & ch Med off

Richmond a Dec 6th 1865
Respectfully returned to Capt Stuart Barnes A Q M & Supt &c.. Dr. Whitcomb will remain on duty until relieved by a Medical Officer. A telegram from the Sec of War subsequent to Maj Gen'l Terrys order (a copy of which has been sent you) directs that "officers on duty in the Bureau will not be mustered out until they can be replaced."
By order of Col. O. Brown
James A. Bates aaaG
Ret'd Dc 7th 1865.

Webb Geo. W.
Capt & F. J.
Freedmens Court
Petersburg Va
Dec 4th 1865

L. R. W. 2  asks what action to take where cold people apply for marriage License   Endorsed  Office Supt 2d Dist
Petersburg Dec 4th 1865
Respectfully referred to Col. O. Brown asst comr for information. Many applications of this kind are made every day. and heretofore have been referred to clerk of Dist Court. Is that correct or should it be given by the officers of the Bureau.?
Would add that the clerks fees are $1.50 for a license, the great number of licenses issued would be quite a source of revenue to the Bureau.
(Sgd) Stuart Barnes Capt & aqm &c

Bureau R F & A L
Richmond Va Dec 5th 1865
Respectfully returned  The Asst Commissioner considers it better that the marriage ceremony should be performed under the state authority. where no good reason exist to the contrary.  By order of Col. O. Brown
James A Bates aaaG
Ret'd Dec 7th 1865

Bernard A. N.
Dec 2d 1865

L. R. B. 6  Relative to removal of sundry helpless negroes from his Westmoreland farm  Endorsed  Richmond Va 5th Dec 1865
Respectfully returned to Mr A. N. Bernard (through Capt Bohonon Supt) with the information that this matter