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I cannot learn that there is, in fact, any foundation for the rumors of an insurrectionary movement on the part of the Freedmen in this state. I have made many Enquiries, and cannot hear in any instanse of such a movement being contemplated by the Freedmen. as a precautionary measure, I have consulted with Maj Genl Terry in regard to the disposition of troops. and have authorized the Employment of a few secret agents to go among the freedmen and to report any acts on their part of an insurrectionary nature.
(Sgd) O.Brown Col & asst comr
James A. Bates AAAG Ret'd Dec 10th 1865. 

Kent Robert
Wytheville Va
Dec 7th 1865
see 1st.V.1866 page 2}

Bureau RF &c Supt 8th Dist Va
Wytheville Va Dec 7th 1865
Respectfully forwarded for within named information necessary Blanks &c.
(Sgd) Burl.C. Carter Bvt Maj a.q.m. & Supt &c

Bureau RF & AL
Richmond Va Dec 9th 1865
Respectfully forwarded to U.States Sanitary Commission Army & Navy claim Agency Washington D.C
By order of Col. O. Brown
James A. Bates AAAG
Fow'd Dec 10th 1865

Smith Jr Benj. E.
Richmond Va
Dec 9th 1865

Bureau RF & AL
Richmond Va Dec 9th 1865
Respectfully referred to Capt C.B. Wilder for investigation and report.
By order of Col. O. Brown
James A. Bates AAAG
Fow'd Dec 10th 1865. 

Brown Rob't. C.
Brandy Station Va
Dec 5th 1865

Referred to Col Brown for report.
By order
(Sgd)Max Woodhull AAG
Dec 6th 65

Bureau RF & AL
Richmond Va Dec 9th 1865
Respectfully referred to Capt Crandon for report
By order of Col. O. Brown
James A. Bates AAAG
Fow'd Dec 10th 1865.


Bernard A N
Fredericksburg Va
Dec 4th 1865.

Refd to Col Brown for remarks.
By order
(Sgd) Max Woodhull AAG

Bureau RF & AL
Richmond Va Dec 9th 1865
Respectfully referred to Mai Johnson for such action as the interests of the Bureau require.
By order of Col O Brown
James A. Bates AAAG
Fow'd Dec 10th 1865.
Rec'd Back May 2d/66 & Filed

McIlwane [[McIlwaine]] &c
Petesburg [[Petersburg]] Va
Nov 11th 1865

Rec'd Back Dec 9th 1865.
Petersburg Va Dec 8th/65
Respectfully returned with required papers Enclosed
(Sgd) Stuart Barnes Capt & aqm

Bureau RF & A Lands
Richmond Va Dec 9th 1865
Respectfully returned to Capt Stuart Barnes a.q.m. & Supt 2d Dist. who will comply with the last Par of endorsement, of date Nov 28th 1865. from these Head Quarters
Capt B will certify that the enclosed is a true copy of Mr McIlwaine's Pardon.
By order of Col.O.Brown
James A Bates AAAG
Ret'd Dec 10th 1865.

Tinsley Thos.
Alex &, G.G.
York County Va
Nov 11th 1865

Rec'd Dec 9th 1865.
Apply for the rents which have accrued from their farms. "Lansdowne" & "Briarhurst" since their taking the "Amnesty Oath" under proclamation of May 29th 1865.
War Dept Bureau RF & AL
Washington Dec 6th 1865
Respectfully referred to Col. O. Brown asst comr &c Richmond Va. Does any reason exist in this case for disallowing uncollected rents for the period subsequent to dates of Pardon.?
By order of Maj Gen'l O.O. Howard
(Sgd) Wm Fowler A.A.G.