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does not ful authorized to pay this bill without orders from the Commissioner.
(Sgd) O. Brown Col & Asst Comr
James A Bates AAAG  Ret'd Dec 22d 1865.

Hunton C, H.
Pr Wm Co Va
Dec 17th 1865,
See 1st Vol. 1866 page 44}

L.R. H.25.

Warrenton Va. Dec 18th/65
Respectfully referred to Maj Jas Johnson Supt 10th Dist Va - the within named man is nearer to my office than to Lieut Hopkins, is the reason of the application being made here.
(Sgd) W. A. Mac Nulty Asst Supt

Fredericksburg Va Dec 20th/65
Respectfully forwarded to Col Brown Asst Comr &c for his information.
(Sgd) James Johnson Maj & Supt

Bureau RF & AL
Richmond Va Dec 22d 1865
Respectfully forwarded to the Asst Commissioner District of Columbia for any information he may have respecting this case,
(Sgd) O. Brown Col & Asst Comr
James A. Bates AAAG  Fow'd Dec 22d 1865,

Bartlett E. N.
Fort Monroe Va
Dec 3d 1865

Rec'd Back Dec 22d 1865,  Endorsed

Bureau RF &c 3d Dist Va
Richmond Dec 9th 1865.
Respectfully referred to Lt E, B, Townsend Asst Supt Sub Dist of Richmond for investigation & report.
(Sgd) H, S, Merrell Lt & Supt 

Bureau &c Sub Dist
Richmond Dec 14th 1865
Respectfully returned to Lieut H, S, Merrell with the information that though search has been made for the within named parties no trace can be found of them,
(Sgd) E. B. Townsend Lt & Asst Supt

Bureau RF &c 3d Dist Va
Richmond Dec 22d 1865
Respectfully returned to Col. O. Brown Asst Comr inviting attention to endorsement of Lt E. B. Townsend.
(Sgd) H. S. Merrell Lieut & Supt


Bureau RF & AL
Richmond Va Dec 22d/65
Respectfully returned to Mr Bartlett thro Capt Wilder
By order of Col O Brown
James A. Bates AAAG
Ret'd Dec 22d 1875,

Flagg A. S.
Capt & AQM
Norfolk Va
Dec 19th 1865.

L.R. F.18.  Endorsed

Bureau RF & AL
Richmond Dec 22d 1865
Respectfully forwarded to Maj Gen'l Howard Commissioner &c approved.
(Sgd) O, Brown Col & Asst Comr
James A Bates AAAG  Fow'd Dec 23d 1865.

Barnes Stuart
Capt & AQM
Petersburg Va.
Dec 22d 1865.

L.R. B.54,  Endorsed

Bureau RF & AL
Richmond Dec 22d/65
Respectfully referred to Surg DeLamater.
By order of Col O Brown
James A Bates AAAG

Wilder C. B.
Capt & AQM
Fort Monroe Va
Dec 5th 1865,
see 1st Vol 1866 page 199}

Rec'd Back Dec 22d 1865,  Endorsed

Fort Monroe Va Dec 20th 1865
Respectfully returned to Col, O, Brown Asst Comr &c
The freedmen have to pay to the officers of the civil courts a tax on all incomes provided the income is over $250. per annum. they pay a special tax on nearly all kinds of business. except mechanical trades, But the evil particularly complained of, is the tax of $15. on every cookshop and 12 percentum - on so much of the yearly value thereof, as exceeds $100. - and the tax on eating houses. [[strikethrough]] and [[/strikethrough]] and the tax of $8. on all little stores and shops and $40. on all stores worth over $500., A large number of the freedmen have eating houses, cook shops, and little stores, and consequently the tax on them is quite heavy. These taxes are collected by the sheriff of the county to whom a fee additional must be paid.
A list of names of persons who have already paid these taxes, with the accounts paid is appended.
This list embraces but a fraction of those who have been forced to pay taxes,  

James Pains $15.50
Wm Pritlow 18.00
Geo Washington 4.84
Rob't Brown $24.50
Prittow & Banks 5.00
David Watts 18.00
W Giles 6.00
Elick Dunlop 8.50

(Sgd) C. B. Wilder Capt & AQM

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-03-31 20:25:09 I deleted a lot of punctuation that did not exist in the actual document. Please transcribe only punctuation that you see.