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Richmond Va Dec 24th 1865
Respectfully referred to Capt Crandon for investigation action & report
By order of Col. O. Brown
James A. Bates AAAG
Fow'd Dec 25th 1865.

Interior Dept of James Harlan
Dec 19th 1865

L.R.I.1. Endorsed
Respy referred to Col Brown for his information. It would appear from the within decision that the only power authorized to set apart this land is Congress.
By order of Maj Genl Howard 
(Sgd) Max Woodhull AAG

Brown O
Col & Asst Comr
Richmond Va
Dec 18th 1865 227.
Enclosing order for transportation No. 169. 
Lynchburg Va Dec 20th 1865
Respectfully returned contents received.
(Sgd) R.S. Lacy Capt & AQM
Filed under "L" (Lacy)

Brown O
Col & Asst Comr
Rich'd Va
Dec 18th 1865 226.
Enclosing orders for transportation Nos 47 & 48 app'd & 168
Fort Monroe Va Dec 22d 1865
Respectfully returned to Col. O. Brown Asst Comr &c acknowledging the receipt of the within mentioned orders for transportation.
(Sgd) C.B. Wilder Capt & AQM
Filed under W (Wilder)

Brown O
Col & Asst Comr
Richmond Va 
Dec 22d 1865

L.B.3d.Vol page 253.
Relative to citizens disarming freedmen
Richmond Va Dec 23d/65
Respectfully returned to Col. O. Brown Asst Comr Bureau of Refugees &c. The disarming of Freedmen is not by order from Military Authority and instances reported to these Hd Qrs will receive attention,
By command of Maj Genl Terry
(Sgd) Ed. W. Smith AAAG
James A. Bates AAAG Filed "B"

Dond LeRoy
Dist S.E. Va
Nov 13th 1865

Rec'd Nov 17th 1865.
States Corporarl [[Corporal]] Dudley 8th Conn Vols must be relieved and sent to his regiment,
Norfolk Va Nov 13th 1865
Respectfully referred to Capt Flagg A.Q.M. Etc,
Corporal Dudley has been in this Dept Since Sept 22d 1864. His services are very valuable to the Bureau. and I fully believe to [[he]]. is much more benefit to the


Gov't as a clerk than he would be, were he to rejoin his regiment. If he leaves the Bureau it will be necessary to employ a civilian clerk: and no competent clerk could be secured at a salary less than $75. per month. He has had charge of all the endorsements of this Office and his services could not be dispensed with without great loss to the Bureau. I would therefore respectfully ask that an application be made to Genl Terry for a new detail of Corp'l Dudley which application should it meet with the approval of yourself and the Asst Com'r would no doubt prove successful.
(Sgd) Charles E Johnston Asst Supt

Norfolk Va Nov 15th 1865
Respectfully referred to Col. O. Brown with request that the Corporal be detaited as requested by Mr Johnston.
(Sgd) AS Flagg Capt & AQM
Official James A. Bates AAAG Filed

Smith J.S.
Capt & Asst Supt
Louesa [[Louisa]] C.H.
Nov 13th 1865.
see Page 109

not Entered
Relative to transportation for family of Marygold Green (cold)- requests that it be furnished_
Gordonsville Nov 15th 1865.
Respectfully forwarded to Col. O. Brown Asst Comr &c_ with the request that the transportation asked for be furnished. inasmuch as I believe that the parties if they remain here will be an expense to the Gov't & will not be at the place to which transportation is requested- The sending of these parties to the place requested will be an advantage to themselves and the community generally.
(Sgd) T.F.P. Crandon Capt & AQM
James A Bates AAAG Filed

Leavitt C.M.
Port Master
Aberdeen Md
Nov 20th 1865

In answer to not of inquiry of Nov 17th states "that Mr Mondsdale is a reliable man. and supports his family"
Filed with above papers
(see Green Page 109)

Bates Jas. A.
Richmond Va
Dec 18th 1865

L.B.3.Vol.Page 222)
Ordering repairs to be made on house No 28 York St Norfolk Va