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Petersburg Dec 26th 1865
Respectfully forwarded Approved
(Sgd) Stuart Barnes Capt & AQM

Richmond Va Jan 1st 1866
Respectfully returned to Capt Stuart Barnes to know whether the within persons are dependent on the Gov't for support. A written guarantee should accompany all applications made by persons to have freedmen transported to other states, that if such transportation is furnished they will not become dependent on the Gov't for support,
By order of Col O Brown
James A Bates AAAG
Fow'd Jan 1st 1866.

Johnson James
Maj & Supt
Fredericksburg Va
Dec 28th 1865.

Asks what construction place on a Par' of a letter of Asst Comr dated Octo 3d 1865.
Richmond Va Jany 1st 1866
Respectfully returned. Have only those cases reported where fines are impored_
The intention is to pay the civilians acting on the Courts, from the fines & fees of the Office,
By order of Col O Brown
James A. Bates AAAG
Ret'd Jany 1st 1866

Levers Van N
Private 2d Pa. arty
Richmond Va
Dec 23d 1865.

Applies for commutation of Rations approved by Col. O. Brown Asst Comr &c
Richmond Va Dec 30th 1865
Respectfully returned to Col. O. Brown Asst Com'r &c. The rate at which it is desired the rations should be commuted should be stated,
By command of Maj Gen'l Terry
(Sgd) Ed. W. Smith AAG

[[strikethrough]]Richmond Va Jany 1st 1865
Respectfully returned. The Asst Commissioner would respectfully request that the rations be commuted at the same rate as those of [[decided?]] clerks in the office of the AAAG.
(Sgd) O. Brown Col & Asst Comr
AAAG Ret'd Jany 1st 1865.[[/strikethrough]]
see page 315


Tredway T.T.
Farmville Va
Dec 20th 1865

Relative to rules of apprenticeship of children of Freedmen.
Richmond Va Jany 1st 1866
Respectfully returned thro' Capt Stuart Barnes who will instruct the Officer of the Bureau at Farmville in his duty.
By order of Col O Brown
James A. Bates AAAG
Ret'd Jany 1st 1866.

Wilder. C.B.
Capt & AQM &c
Fort Monroe Va
Nov 30th 1865.

Recd Back Dec 8th 1865
Fort Monroe Va Dec 5th 1865.
Respectfully returned to Col O Brown Asst Comr &c with the remark that it is impossible to say that in all cases. persons returning to their former homes. will relieve the Gov't entirely of their support,
The parties mentioned within are confident of their ability to provide for themselves in their former homes. while if they remain here. they must be supported by the Gov't,
(Sgd) C.B. Wilder Capt & AQM &c
James A Bates AAAG Filed see (L.B.3d.Vol page 171)

Sinclaire J.B.
Nov 13th 1865
1st Vol.1866. page 291}

Rec'd Back Dec 12th 1865.
Fort Monroe Va Dec 9th 1865
Respectfully returned to Col O Brown Asst Comr &c with the addition of the agreement of Mr Sinclaire,
I would recommend that his petition be granted only upon the condition that whenever he fails to carry out in good faith the enclosed [[gereeinent?]], the Bureau shall have power to dispossess him, and collect the rents, Mr Wood the gentleman referred to. is perfectly reliable. and was chosen by the Col'd people to act as their Judge. in the freedmens Court,
(Sgd) C.B. Wilder Capt & AQM &C
James A Bates AAAG Filed

Bates Jas. A.
Richmond Va
Nov 20th 1865.

L.B.3d.Vol page 65.
Case of Randolph Wells col'd being turned off by Chas Boswell of Fluvana [[Fluvanna]] Co without being paid for his work,
Gordonsville Nov 22d 1865
Respectfully referred to Lt Minor who will immediately make the report called for by Col. O. Brown returning this paper with said report,