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Richmond Va Jan 6th 1866
Respectfully returned for the name of the person for whom the transportation is desired.
By order of Col. O. Brown
James A. Bates A A A G
Ret'd Jan 7th 1866. 
Recd Back & Filed  L.B. 3d. V. No. 56

L.R. J. 33.  
Jones R. Y. Petersburg Va  Dec 22d. 1865
Stuart Barnes Capt & AQM
Relative to a colored boy named John Harris (living with Mrs Susan. B. Howlett) and whose father has obtained an order for possession of him, and has indentured him at $100. per year. The father being unfit to have charge of the boy, asks that the order be rescinded.

John Harris Col'd
Susan B Howlett
Richmond Va Dec 27th 1865
Capt Barnes will thoroughly investigate this case and if the father is found to be an unfit Guardian of the boy, he will assume his Guardianship himself in behalf of the Bureau. 
(Sg'd.) O. Brown Col & Asst Comr
Official James A. Bates AAAG 
Fow'd Jan 7th. 1866.

Connoly D. J. Capt & Asst Supt
Cumberland C.H. Jan 2d 1866
L.R. C.52.  Requests that a member of Freedmens Court of Cumberland Co be relieved from such duty.

Petersburg Jan 5th. 1866
Respectfully referred to Col Brown Asst Comr &c for instructions. 
(Sgd) Stuart Barnes Capt & AQM &c

Stuart Barnes Capt & AQM
Richmond Jan 6th 1866
Respectfully returned to Capt Barnes for investigation & report.
By order of Col O Brown
James A. Bates A A A G
Ret'd Jan 7th 1866.
see page 121

Asst Com'r D.C.
L.R. A. 8.  Transmitting bills of John. F. Fenwick and Jno. M. Brown. against T. E. Dow, for Horse hire &c.

John F. Fenwick
Jno. M. Brown
T. E. Dow.
A. S. Flagg  Capt & AQM
St Marys Co M'd Jan 1st 1865
Respectfully referred to Lieut S. N. Clark AAAG Washington D.C. As far as I understand Mr Dow had to hire these horses to reach my Head Quarters, when he was sent on here with the Freedmen from Norfolk Va.
As the people lent him the horses in good faith and showed a willingness to aid in securing places and good treatment for the Freedmen, I would most respectfully suggest that they be sent to Capt. Flagg A.Q.M.


at Norfolk with the request for immediate payment.
(Sg'd) Edward F. O.Brien Lieut & Sub Asst Comr

Washington Jany 5th. 1866.
Respectfully referred to Col. O. Brown Asst Comr Richmond Va.
(Sg'd.) J. S. Fullerton Bvt Brig Gen'l & Acting Asst Com'r
By S. N. Clark Lt & AAAG
In absence of Asst Comr

Richmond Va Jan 6th. 1866
Respectfully referred to Capt A. S. Flagg
By order of Col. O. Brown
James A Bates A A A G
Fow'd Jan 7th 1866.
see page 57

Johnson James Maj & Supt
Fredericksburg Va Jan 8th. 1866
L.R. J. 34.  Applies for leave of absence for 5 days.

Virginia Dept of 
Richmond Va Jan 8th. 1865
Respectfully forwarded approved. with permission to present this application in person.
(Sgd) O. Brown Col & Asst Comr
James A. Bates, AAAG  Fow'd Jan 8th. 1866.
The above request granted by S.O. No 7. Par 2 dated Hd Qrs Dept of Va Jan 8th. 1866.

Barnes Stuart Capt & AQM &c
Petersburg Va Jan 7th. 1866
L.R. B. 78.  Enclosing report of buildings at City Point Va as requested in letter of Qr Mr Gen'l Dec 29th 1865.

Geo Q. White Capt & CQM
Richmond Va Jany 8th. 1866
Respectfully referred to Capt Geo Q White AQM & FA for his information.
By order of Col O Brown
James A Bates AAAG

Merrell H. S. Lieut & Supt
Richmond Va Jan 6th. 1866
Rec'd Back Jan 8th. 1866  Endorsed

Richmond Jan 8th. 1866
Respectfully returned to Col O Brown Asst Com'r with the information that all these parties except Romeo Little (who goes in charge of the party) have been for some time quartered and rationed by this Bureau, as destitutes at Camp Chimborazo — Homes are now found for them upon delivery at Vineland New Jersey.
(Sg'd.) H. S. Merrell Lt & Supt

Official James A Bates AAAG  
Filed  see page 5.

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-04-11 22:21:38 ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-04-12 10:53:30 no margin notes on these pages, just part of the full letter, made other corrections