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James A. Bates AAAG
see page 92.

White W. F.
Capt & Asst Supt
Amelia C.H. Va
Jan 13th 1866

Mr Thorne
E. S. Blanton

L.R. W.141.  Transmits communication from E. S. Blanton relative to Mare claimed by Mr Thorne of Richmond for his information. Declines receiving the horse, which still remains at Mr Blanton's, 

Petersburg Jan 16th 1866
Respectfully forwarded to Hd Qrs Asst Comr for his information.
(Sgd) Stuart Barnes Capt & AQM &c

Richmond Va Jan 17th 1866
Respectfully referred to Mr Thorne for his information,
By order of Col O Brown
James A. Bates AAAG

Toby E. H.
Washington D.C.
Jan 11th 1866

L.R. T.22.  Requests certificate that he was relived from duty in the Bureau on Sept 24th 1865, to enable him to settle his accts.

Richmond VA Jan 16th 1866
Respectfully returned. The order mustering out your Reg't, relieved you from duty in the Bureau.
By order of Col. O. Brown
James A. Bates AAAG

Conway Mrs Marg't. E. 
Fredericksburg Va 
Sept 25th 1865
see 2d Vol. 1865. page 426}

Rec'd back Jan 17th 1866. Continuation of Endorsements on letter requesting transportation for several colored children to their parents at Yellow Springs, Ohio.
(not Entered)

Richmond Va Jan 11th 1866
Respectfully returned to Lt H. S. Merrell with the information that thorough search has been made for the within named parties both in the city and by notices read in all the colored churches and no trace can be found of any of them.
(Sgd) E B Townsend Lt & Asst Supt

Richmond Va Jan 17th 1866
Respectfully returned to Mrs M. E. Conway thro Supt 10th Dist. with the information that every effort has been made to find the whereabouts of the within named Freedmen, but without success.
By order of Col O Brown
James A. Bates AAAG

Jones Sam
Amilia [[Amelia]] Co Va

Stuart Barnes
Capt & aqm
see 3d Vol. 1865 page 28 on same subject}

L.R. J.46.  Relative to rations for negroes on his plantation. Asks that rations be sent there monthly for two destitute negroes &c.

Richmond Va Jan 17th/66
Respectfully referred to Capt Stuart Barmes who will issue rations to the two destitute freedmen spoken of in the within lettter.
By order of Col O Brown
James A. Bates AAAG

Green Wm E.
Charlotte Co Va
Dec 22d 1865
3d Vol. 1865 page 311}

Stuart Barnes
Capt & AQM

Rec'd Back Jan 17th 1866. continuation of endorsements on letter applying for transportation for certain freedmen from Va to Miss. (G.12)

Charlotte Co Va Jan 13th 1866
A different arrangement has been made for all the within names freedmen except Ed & Amy Gunter, Hanibal, Francis & Abraham - for these transportation is respectfully asked. The last named are dependent on the Gov't (Frances & Abraham being orphan children) Ed is a grown man. Amy & Hanibal are minors, but capable of earning more than a support, the mother of the three first named is a widow with four small children and must become a tax on the Gov't as your applicant is no longer able to maintain her. but if the said Amy, Ed & Hanibal can be transferred to my plantation Bolivar County Mississippi where she is now, not only she and her infant children but also Frances & Abraham her grand children - may be supported without any assistance from the Gov't. I can safely say that it will not only be to the interest of the Gov't but to the interest of humanity that these children should be transported to their mother to help support her in her old age & helpless and destitute condition - Enclosed will be found my written guarantee that the above named parties shall not be dependent on the Gov't after their arrival in Miss.
(Sgd) Wm E. Green

Richmond Va Jan 17th 1866
Respectfully returned to Capt Barnes who will require Mr Green to give bonds for one thousand (1000) dollars that the freedmen will not become dependent on the Gov't,
By order of Col O Brown

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