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Evans Miles Capt 12th U.S.I.
James. A. Bates Capt & AAAG
Patrick Monaghan Private 12th U.S.Inf 

Endorsements on letter of Capt James A Bates AAAG, dated Richmond Jan 17th 1866 (L.B.3.V.91) requesting to be furnished with the Descriptive Roll of Private Patrick Monaghan Co. "E, 2, Batt 12th U.S.I. during duty at Hd Qrs B R F & A L.

Camp Dst 2d Batt 12th U.S.I.
Jan 19th, 1866
Respty returned. No order has been received by me placing Private Patrick Monaghan on detached service.
(Sg'd) Evan Miles Capt 12th U.S.I. Comdg Co. E.

Richmond Va Jan 22d/66
Respty returned to Capt Evan Miles Comdg Co. E. 12 USI. Attention invited to enclosed official copy of an order from Dist of Henrico under which Private Patrick Monaghan was detailed. 
By order of Col O Brown
James A. Bates AAAG

James Johnson Maj & Supt
continuation of Endorsements on letter of Maj James Johnson dated Fredricksburg Va Jan 15th/66 asking where rations can be drawn from for the Sub Dists of Fauquier & Prince Williams Counties for issue to freedmens.

Wm N Felt Bat Maj C.S. Vols
Richmond Va Jan 20th/66
Respectfully returned - Charlottsville will be the point most convenient to draw the Stores from, for these counties as some can be forwarded by Rail - a Return could be made out of the month when the distance is so great. 
(Sg'd) Wm N. Felt, Bvt Maj & CSV 
Richmond Va Jan 22nd/66
Respty returned to Maj James Johnson attention invited to the endorsement of Bvt Maj Felt Com Sub.
By order of Col O Brown
James A. Bates AAAG
see page 45.


Virginia Dept of
Stuart Barnes Capt & a q m &c
Edgar Allen

Endorsement on letter of Capt Stuart Barns aqm & Supt dated Petersburg Va Jan 21st, 1866. (B.120) forwarding changes & Specifications in the case of Edgar Allen (citizen)
(1. Enclosure)

Richmond Va Jan 28/66
Respectfully forwarded to Bvt Brig Genl Ed. W.Smith AAG.
(Sg'd) O.Brown Col & asst comm
James A. Bates AAAG
see allen page 13 see Virginia Dept of page 48

Horace Neide Lt Col & Inspector
Ro Whitehead

continuation of Endorsements on letter of Ro Whitehead dated Livingston Va Dec 30th, 1865 giving his opinion relative to trial of Freedmen by Civil Cournts &c
see page 49.

Lynchburg Va Jan 20th/66
Respty returned to Col O Brown asst Comr with copy of desired letter enclosed. 
(Sg'd) R S  Lacy Capt AQM & Supt

Richmond Va Jan 28th/66
Respectfully returned to Lt Col Horace Neide Inspector of the District, who will carefully examine this subject and report whether the trial by civil court secures justice to the freedmen. 
By order of Col O Brown
James A. Bates AAAG
see page 49 see page 122

War Dept Bureau
John M. Gregory

Endorsement of communication of John M Gregory Judge 6th District dated Charles City C.H. Va Dec, 1865 (G.18) giving his views regarding the Bureau and the Negro, and his objections to his being a witness in courts on being allowed to vote.

Richmond Va Jan 23d/66
Respectfully returned to Maj genl Howard Comm'r Bureau R.F. & A.L. with the remark that in the opinion of the Asst Commissioner the writer of this paper should be sent at once to a Lunatic Asylum or a Home for Idiots. 
(Sg'd) O. Brown Col & Asst Comr
Official James A. Bates AAAG

Transcription Notes:
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