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James A. Bates aaag

C.B. Wilder
Capt. and AGM&C
Continuation of Endorsements on letter of Capt C.B. Wilder AGM and Supt dated Fort Monroe VA Jan 16th/66 (W.167) requesting information as to what disposal shall be made of a certain insane woman.

Richmond VA Jan 25th/66
Respty returned to Capt C.B.Wilder whose attention is invited to the enclosed order to admit the insane woman into the asylum at Williamsburg VA,
By order of Col. O. Brown
James A. Bates aaag

The first endorsement being a mere reference was not entered in this Book.

Capt & AGM&C

J.F. Wilcox
Capt Asst Supt

Endorsement on letter of Capt R.S. Lacy AGM&Supt dated Lynchburg, VA Jan 23rd 1866 (S.37) enclosing estimate for funds. also estimate of Capt J.F. Wilcox asst supt at Danville. Asks if members of F court will be paid for services & if so will place them on his rolls of persons hired.

Richmond VA Jan 25th/66
Respty returned. Capt Lacy will estimate for his entire dist. Members of the Freedmens court will not be placed on the roll of persons hired.
By order of Col O Brown
James A Bates aaag

A.S. Flagg
Capt & AGM&C

Alex Roll

Endorsement on letter of Alex Roll dated Norfolk Jan 22nd 1866 (R.11) requesting that he be allowed $1200 for the rent of his Warehouse and wharf at Norfolk, having been offered that amount by other parties.

Richmond VA Jan 25th/66
Respty returned to Capt A.S. Flagg Supt 1st Dist VA. who will make the best terms possible and get rid of the building as soon as he can.
By order of Col O Brown
James A Bates aaaG


Mrs. Milsa Braxton

Endorsement on letter of Mrs Milsa Braxton dated Christianburg Jan 21st 1866 (B.125) states that she is infirm and needy and desires that her son. supposed to be in Richmond, come to her

Richmond VA Jan 25th/66
Respty returned to Mrs Braxton for information as to the name of her son.
By order of Col.O.Brown
James A. Bates aaaG

A.S. Flagg
Capt & AGM

N.C. Percy

Endorsement on letter from National Freedmens  Sav'g and T. Co. by N.C. Percy Cash'r dated Norfolk VA Jan 23rd 1866 (N.5) desiring to know whether. the asst com'r. has any retained Bounty in his hands belonging to John Holland Col.C, 1st U.S.C.T.

John Holland

Richmond VA Jan 25th/66
Respty returned to Capt A.S. Flagg AGM&Supt The named of John Holland Co.C 1st U.S.C.T does not appear on the list of retained bounty in this office.
By order of Col. O. Brown
James A. Bates aaaG

H.S. Merrell
Leuit & Supt.

Continuation of Endorsements on Petition of Mrs. A.M. Rose (R.10). appealing from a decision of the Freedmens Court in the case of "Julia" a freedwoman with whom she had contracted

Mrs. A. M. Rose
Richmond VA Jan 25th/66
Respty returned to Luit H.S. Merrell. Is the statement of Mrs Rose true?
By order of Col O Brown
James A Bates aaaG

The first endorsement being a mere reference was not entered in this Book. see page 90

J.J. DeSamater
Surg & C.M.O
Continuation of Endorsements on accounts of V. W. Harrison "M.D." dated Petersburg VA Jan 2nd 1866 (H.42) for medical services rendered the freedmen in Camp at Petersburg et cetera

V. W. Harrison
Petersburg VA Jan 23rd/66
Respectfully returned. Attention invited to enclosure of

Transcription Notes:
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