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War Dept Bureau
William James

Endorsement on letter of  William James dated Ashland, Hanover Co Feb 8th/66. (J.83) requests that some old buildings be turned over to him to repair his cottage- states he was a refugee during the war - that his property was destroyed by the armies.

Richmond Va Feb 9th/66
Respty forwarded to Maj Genl Howard Comr &c. I believe him entitled to every possible consideration from the government. 
(Sgd) O Brown Col & Asst Comr
James A. Bates AAAG
see page 154.

C.B. Wilder
Capt AQM &c
A.A. Brown
Lieut & Asst Supt

Continuation of Endorsements on letter of Lieut A.A. Brown Asst Supt dated Matthews C.H. Va Jan 26th/66 (B. 157) states that there are some Gov't Horses in the County, and that there is a man who knows of some held by citizens and recommends that he be employed to assist in taking them.

Bu &c Office CQM & FA
Richmond Va Feby 8th/66
Respty returned to Col. O. Brown Asst Comr referring him to the enclosed copy of G.O. 77 Q.M. G.O. Series of 1865. relative to the seizure of public animals and revoking so much of G.O. 61 Q.M. G.O series 1865. (referred to by Capt Wilder) as offers rewards for their recovery - also referring him to enclosed copy of G.O.4.Q.M. G.O. current series. relative to the seizure of animals branded C.S.
(Sgd) Geo. Q. White Capt CQM & F.A.

Geo. Q. White
Capt CQM &c

Richmond Va Feb 9th/66
Respty returned to Capt C.B. Wilder Supt 9th Dist Va whose attention is invited to the endorsement of Capt White C.Q.M. &c
By order of Col O Brown
James A. Bates AAAG
The first Endorsement being a mere reference was not recorded in this Book


Stuart Barnes
Capt A.Q.M. &c
Wm. F. White
Capt. & Asst Supt

Endorsement on letter of Capt Wm. F. White Asst Sjpt dated Amelia Co Feb 5th/66 (W.224) relative to renting a certain piece of property with buildings thereon. to be used for school purposes.

Richmond Va Feb 9th/66
Respty returned to Capt Barnes who will decide whether the interests of the service require that this place be rented. if so. he will rent it.
By order of Col O Brown
James A. Bates AAAG

T.F.P. Crandon
Capt AQM &c
W.R. Morse
Bvt Maj & Asst Supt

Continuation of Endorsements on letter of Bvt Maj W.R. Morse Asst Supt dated Fredericksburg Va Feb 3rd/66. (M127) relative to purchase of wood for the Hospital at that place. states that he cannot purchase wood at $5.00 per cord as instructed. that he will have to pay $6.00 for it &c &c

Bur &c Office CQM & FA
Richmond Va Feb 9th/66 
Respty returned to Col O Brown Asst Comr with the suggestion that Capt Crandon be authorized to purchase wood for public use at Fredericksburg at lowest price possible. I limited the price to five (5) dollars per cord upon Capt Crandon's statement that the wood could be purchased at that price. I would also suggest that Capt Crandon be instructed to forward the vouchers to you for approval. before being paid.
(Sgd) Geo Q White Capt C.Q.M & F.A.

Geo. Q. White
Capt C.Q.M &c

Richmond Va Feb 10th/66
Respty returned to Capt T.F.P. Crandon AQM & Supt 4th Dist Va. who will comply with the suggestion of Capt White Chf Qr Mr &c
By order of Col O Brown
James A. Bates AAAG
The first Endorsement being a mere reference was not recorded in this Book.

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-04-08 21:19:44