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C.B. Wilder
Capt AQM &c
S. R. Shields

Endorsement on letter of S. R. Shields (S.45) petitioning for the restoration of his property consisting of a tract of land known as "Little England" and a vacant lot in town of Hampton

Richmond Va Feb 10th/66
Respty returned to Capt C.B. Wilder Sup't 9th Dist Va
The frequent occurrence of applications for the restoration of property being forwarded to this office before the instructions governing the same have been complied with. compels the Asst Comr to call the attention of the Supt of the 9th Dist to this matter and request that he will make himself familiar with all orders relative to property restoration, complying with the provisions of the same before forwarding applications to these Head qrs. 
By order of Col O Brown
James A. Bates AAAG
Rec'd Back Mch 21st/66 & Filed
See S.O.53.par.3. Mch 23rd/66

Ould & Carrington
John R Bryan
War Dept Bureau &c

Continuation of Endorsements on letter of John R. Bryan dated Richmond Va Feby 2nd/66 (B.166) asking decision of Commissioner on question concerning improvements of Howard Grove & Small Pox Hospitals and order for their rendition when necessity for this use has ceased.

Washington Feb 10th 1866
Respty returned to Col. O. Brown Asst Comr Rich'd Va
It is unnecessary to take action upon this case at present. The property will not be restored until the necessity for its use has ceased to exist.
Then the question as to the possession of the improvements can be mooted.
By order of Maj Gen O. O. Howard Com'r
Sgt Wm. Fowler AAG

Richmond Va Feby 11th/66
Respty returned to Messrs Ould & Carrington, attention invited tp endorsement of Maj Gen'l Howard.
By order of Col. O. Brown
James Bates AAAG
The first Endorsement being merely forwarding was not recorded in this Book


Stuart Barnes 
Capt AQM &c
Chas. F Brown
Capt 39.U.S.C.T
Nicholas Hill
Private 39.U.S.C.T
A.G. Office

Continuation of Endorsements on letter of Capt Stuart Barnes AQM & Supt (B.154) enclosing communication of Capt Chas. F. Brown Co.F. 39th.U.S.C.T. relative to the bounty of Priv Nicholas Hill.

A.G.O. Feb 8th 1866
Respty returned to Maj Gen'l Howard Chief of Bureau of R.F.&. A.L. Washington D.C.
There are so many considerations relative to time and term of enlistment, the period of service- the character and cause of discharge &c, entering into a question of this kind, that it is not possible to give a positive answer, as to what this particular person is entitled to in the absence of the necessary data above alluded to.
It is always presumed that a soldier on being discharged receives from the Pay Department all the pay, bounty, &c &c to which he is entitled, and application for additional pay or bounty should be addressed to the Pay Master General, except in the cases of deceased soldiers. With reference to colored volunteers, however, it may be stated, generally, that all those who enlisted on or after July 18th 1864 are entitled to the same bounties as white soldiers enlisting at the same time. Viz. one hundred dollars ($100) for one year, two hundred dollars ($200) for two years, three hundred dollars ($300) for three years. Those enlisting before July 18th/64 are not entitled to any bounty unless they were free on or before April 19th 1861, and are so mustered.
Attention is respectfully invited to General Orders No 215, of 1864, and Circular 60 of 1864 from this office which are herewith.
(Sgd) M W Foster A.A. Gen Vols

Richmond Va Feb 10th/66
Respty returned to Capt Barnes Supt 2nd Dist Va.
Attention invited to the endorsement of Col Foster A.A.G.
By order of Col O Brown
James A. Bates AAAG
The first Endorsement being a merely forwarding was not recorded in this Book.

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