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of that time, and himself given possession.

Richmond Va Feby 15/66
Respty returned to Capt A.S. Flagg to Know if Mr McKinney's lease expires on the 20th day of March 1866.
By order of Lt Col. H. Neide Act Asst Comr
James A. Bates AAAG
See page 195.

[[left margin]] 
Asst Comr D.C.
Geo. A. Armes
2nd. Vol. II. 
[[/left margin]]

Endorsement on letter of Geo. A. Armes late Capt & Supt 1st Sub Dist 5th Dist Va (A.26) stating that while Supt during the month of Aug & Sept 1865, he paid to Col'd help $33.75 and omitted to take receipts for money there paid out.
(forwarded by Asst Comr D.C.)

Richmond Va Feby 16th/66
Respty returned to the Asst Comr Dist. Columbia, Washington D.C. It is not thought advisable to pay the within claim unless Capt Armes can furnish the names of the parties to whom the payments were made
(Sgd) H Neide Lt Col & Insp Genl
In Charge In absence of Col Brown
James A. Bates AAAG

[[left margin]] 
War Dept Bureau &c
T.F.P. Crandon
Capt A.Q.M. &c. 
[[/left margin]]

Continuation of Endorsements on letter of Capt T.F.P. Crandon dated Feby 12th/66 (C.139) recommends that certain buildings belonging to the Bureau be sold.

Gordonsville Va Feby 14th/66
Respty returned with the information that the property specified was originally taken up by me as Bureau property.
(Sgd) T.F.P. Crandon Capt AQM &c

Richmond Va Feby 16th/66
Respty forwarded to Maj Genl O.O. Howard Comr Bu R.F.&.A.L. approved.
(Sgd) H. Neide Lt Col V.R.C. Insp Gen'l
In absence of Col Brown
James A. Bates AAAG
See page 153. Rec'd Back Feby 22d/66 & Filed see official copy endorsed page 182.


[[left margin]] 
C.B. Wilder
Capt AQM &c
Jacob Vining
Supt Schools
Dr Ritchie 
[[/left margin]]

Endorsement on letter of Jacob Vining Supt of Schools dated Yorktown Va Feby 9th/66, (V.14) relative to house on Dr Ritchie's farm, in which the Assn of Friends of Phila' have Established a school, &c &c asks that the house be retained &c &c

Richmond Va Feby 15th/66
Respty returned to Capt C.B. Wilder Supt 9th Dist Va.
The house occupied as a school will be retained until other arrangements can be made for a school.
By order of Col O Brown
James A. Bates AAAG 

[[Note]] Entered in L.R. Book [[/Note]]
[[Strikethrough]] Endorsement on letter of Jno M Gill dated Mattews Co Va Feby 9" 1866 (G.23) complains of the actions of the Freedmens court in settling the allowance of the freedmen on the Estate of Miss Tabb at "Auburn" &c &c. Encloses statements of the two overseers. &c &c. [[/Strikethrough]]

[[left margin]] 
T.F.P. Crandon
Capt A.Q.M. &c
J.D. Harris
A.A. Surg 
[[/left margin]]
Endorsement on letter of A.A. Surg J.D. Harris dated Feby 12th/66 (H. 91) making inquiries relative to requisitions for Cook Stove.

Richmond Va Feby 16"/66
Respty returned to Capt T.F.P. Crandon Supt 4" Dist Va with information that the Requisitions were forwarded approved.
By order of Col O Brown
James A. Bates AAAG

[[left margin]] 
G.B. Cadwallader
Bt Lt Col & a.q.m.
W.R. Morse
Bt Maj Asst Supt
John O'Dwyer
Capt Asst Supt
[[/left margin]]

Endorsement on request of Bvt Maj W R Morse Asst Supt (M. 143) for transportation for destitute rations from Fredericksburg to Milford Va. consigned to Capt John O'Dwyer Asst Supt Caroline Co.

Richmond Va Feby 16"/66
Respty referred to Bvt Lt Col G.B. Cadwallader with the request that transportation be furnished for the within stores.
By order of Col O. Brown
James A. Bates AAAG

Transcription Notes:
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