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174  175

Virginia Dept of 
Mary J Carter cold
A.S. Flagg Capt & aqm &c

Endorsement on charges and Specifications in the case of Mary Jane Carter (cold) preferred  by Capt A.S. Flagg  aqm & supt

Richmond Va Feby 10/66
Respty forwarded to Bvt Brig Genl Ed W Smith AAG Dept Va.
Official (Sgd) O. Brown Col & asst com
James A. Bates AAAG

B.C. Carter Bt Maj aqm

Continuation of Endorsements on letter of Bvt Maj B.C. Carter aqm &c dated Wytheville Va Feby 8"/66 (C.142) reports that he is responsible for no Q.M. property. States the necessity of horses and Equipments for the Asst Supts ~ Encloses Requisitions for same. States that there are horses in his Dist held by citizens branded "U.S"

Chief Qr Mr Office Dept of Va Richmond Va Feby 17"/66

Respty returned to Col. O. Brown Asst Com'r &c with the request that Maj Carter may be directed to report the history of all Public Horses in hands of persons which he has reason to believe have no legal title to them. Genl orders No 77 Q.M.G.O. series of 1865 and Gen'l orders No 4.C.S. are enclosed for his information.
The horses left in Major Carters possession by the Provost Marshal can be used by his assistant and must be accounted for as public property.
As Maj Carted is a mounted officer he is not allowed to use a public horse (See Gen'l orders no 177. Was Dept series of 1864) none can therefore be issued for his use.
The enclosed requisition is respectfully ret'd as it was understood that Capt Whites requisition fo 80 Horses would cover all that was required for use of the Bureau.
(Sgd) Wm L. James Col & chf q.m.

Wm L. James Col & Chf Qr Mr
Richmond Va Feby 20"/66
Respty returned to Bvt Maj B.C. Carter Supt 8" Dist who will comply with endorsement of Col W.L. James Chief QM Dept Va
By order of Col O Brown 
James A. Bates AAAG
The first Endorsement being a mere reference was not recorded in this Book

CB. Wilder Capt aqm &c
Continuation of Endorsements on letter of Capt C.B. Wildre aqm &c requesting information in regard to "orders of transportation" in specified cases

Chief Qr Mr Office Dept of Va Richmond Va Feb 17"/66
Respty returned to Col. O. Brown Asst Comr &c with the information that it is the duty of the officer furnishing transportation to issue it over the entired distance covered by the order and over the shortest route. except in the case of Freedmen &c. when transportation is required beyond the limits of an Asst Com'r the order of the Com'r of the Bureau should be obtained. 
(Sgd) Wm L. James Col & Ch Qr Mr

Wm L James Col & Chf Qr Mr

Richmond Va Feby 20"/66 
Respty returned to Capt C.B. Wilder Supt 9" Dist Va with reference to endorsement of Col James
By order of Col O Brown
James A. Bates AAAG
see page 159

H.S. Merrell Lieut & Supt
War Dept Bureau &c
Agnes Peters cold

Continuation of Endorsements on letter from Wat Dept Bu &c dated Feby 27"/66 (W.216) Enclosing deeds upon property claimed by Agnes Peters (cold) for investigation

Norfolk Va Feby 14"/66
Respty returned. Aghes Peters appeared before me and denied ever having signed a deed yielding her right to the property. nor did she authorize anyone to sign for her. The case has been in the Bureau Courts at Richmond for some time past, but has not been decided as I am informed by the applicant
If her story is to be believed - and it carries with it conviction - it is a case of great hardship and if in the power of the Bureau, her property should be restored as the property is located at or near Richmond. I

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