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that the officer of the Bureau nearest to that point be instructed to investigate and report upon this matter. 

By command of Maj Gen'l Miles
(Sgd) Ed W Smith aag 

BureauRF & AL Head Qrs Asst Comr Ste Va Richmond Feby 22d/66 
Respty referred to Capt Stuart Barnes aqm & Supt 2d Dist Va. who will direct the officer of the Bureau in Halifax Co. to comply with endorsement from Dept Head Qrs.
By order of Col O Brown 
James A. Bates aaag 

Stuart Barnes Capt aqm &c

Continuation of Endorsements on (Official copy of a) letter of  Capt Stuart Barnes aqm & c (B 182) requesting authority to sell 3 frame store houses &c &c. 

Respty returned to Col. O. Brown Asst Comr &c who is hereby authorized to sell the within mentioned buildings. properly accounting for the proceeds of the sale.
By order of Maj Genl Howard
(Sgd) Max Woodhull AAG
B.R.F. & A.L. Feby 21/66 }

Bureau RF & AL Head Qrs Asst Com'r Ste Va Richmond Va Feb 22d/66
Respty returned to Capt Stuart Barnes aqm & supt &c who is authorized to sell the within mentioned property properly accounting for the proceeds of the sale.
By order of Col O Brown
James A. Bates AAAG
Official Copy of Original. Filed 2d Dist
The first endorsement being a mere reference was not recorded in the Book.

H S Merrell Lt & Supt
Miss L.W. Williams

Endorsement on letter of Miss L.E. Williams dated Feby 23d/66. (W. 263) relative to a woman found lying sick before Hd Qrs at Chimborazo. that application was mae to the comd'g officer of the Post. who said he "could not be bothered with her"

Richmond Va Feb 22d/66
Col. O. Brown Asst Comr 
I have the honor to state that the foregoing note was written at my request as the last, but by no means the worst instance of what is very common at Chimborazo.
The profanity, brutality and licentiousness of the man in charge there. are exceedingly offensive to the pure and good as well as a reproach to the benificent designs of the Bureau. Very Respty
(Sgd) R.W. Manly Chaplain & Supt Schools

Referred to Lieut H.S. Merrell for his immediate investigation and action - This paper to be returned with action noted hereon.
Rich'd Va Feby 23d/66. (Sgd) O Brown Col & Asst Comr
Official James A. Bates AAAG Rec'd March 16"/66 & Filed

A.S. Flagg Capt a.q.m. &c
Jas.G. Council

Endorsement on application of James G Council dated Matthews Co. Ho. Va Jan 1st 1866. (C.167) for the restoration of his property in Northampton Co. Va. (Certificates and affidavits enclosed)

Bureau RF & AL Head Qrs Asst Comr Ste Va Richmond Feby 22d/66
Respty returned to Capt A.S. Flagg Supt 1st Dist Va who will select an other locality, if, in his judgement it can be done without injury to the Bureau.
By order of Col O Brown
James A. Bates AAAG
sent to Spottswood Hotel for Hon L.N. Chandler
Rec'd Back Mar [[Strikethrough]] Feby [[/Strikethrough]] 25/66 & Filed in Febury/66
Taken from file May 3d/66 & delivered to Mr Council's brother Rec'd Back June 21st/66 & Filed See S.O. 100. Par.4. June 23d/66

Transcription Notes:
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