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By order of Col OBrown
James A Bates aaal

[[footnote 1]] Endorsement on letter of Bo Maj B. C. Carter a.g.m +c dated Feb 19th66 (C. 165) asks authority to retain office now occupied by Bureau but claimed by private parties - said building hav=ing been used as a Hospital during the rebellion

Bureau R F + AL
Head Qrs Asst  Conn St VA
Richmond Feby 22th66
Respty returned to Bob Maj B.C. Carter Supt 8th Dist VA
Let the parties owning the building make their application for proper form.
Forward this application with your remarks to this office
By order of By order of Col OBrown
James A Bates aaal

[[footnote 2]] Endorsement on letter of R. M Booker (son of George Booker) dated Feb 9th 66 (B. 195) relative to stock delivered to Williams, asks that the original stock be returned to him +c +c +c
Bureau R F + A L
Head Qrs Asst Com Sta VA
Richmond Feby 22 of 66

Respty referred to Captain C. B. Wilder Supt 9th Dist VA
who will inform the asst com whether the cattle (21 head) referred to within, have been restored to Mr Booker in obedience to Par 5 Special orders No 74 series 1865 from this office.
If only a part of these cattle have been restored, Cape Wilder will state how many and why not the whole number referred to. of how many has Mr Booker shown satisfactory ownership.
By order of By order of Col OBrown
James A Bates aaal

[[footnote 3]] Endorsement on copy of letter of [[?]]Srict[[/?]] James Joyes asst suit dated Feby 7 of 66 (C.169) requests instructions relative to the disposal of certain Wards at Delavin Hospital purchased by Mr Woods and Kennedy but [[footnote 4]] now occupied by destitute (col'd) women + children, See L. B. 3. Vol, No 282.

Office asst supt alb

[[footnote 1]]B.C. Carter
Bot Maj + agni[[/footnote]]

[[footnote 2]]C. B Wilder Capt agni +c
RM Booker 

236[[/footnote 2]]

[[footnote 3]] [[?]] F P Crandon
Cast agni +c [[/footnote 3]]

[[footnote 4]] [[?]] James Joyes [[?]] + asst supt[[/footnote 4]]