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J J DeLamater Surg & C.M.O.

Bureau R F & AL Head Qrs Asst Comr Ste Va Richmond Mar 1st/66

Respty returned to Mr. Ferdn Lessing Philadelphia whose attention is invited to the endorsement of Surg DeLamater.  
By order of Col O Brown  James A. Bates AAAG
The first endorsement being a mere reference was not recorded in this Book √

War Dept Bureau &c
T.F.P. Crandon

L.R.C. 181.
Continuation of Endorsements are letter of Capt T.F.P. Crandon A.Q.M. &c. requests that 16 En'-Men be furnished him - one for each Sub-Dist - to enable the Asst Supt's to execute their orders &c &c.

Head Qrs Dept of Va  Richmond Mar 1st/66
Respty returned to Col. O. Brown Asst Comr &c  The Maj Genl Com'dg has fully considered this subject and finds himself unable to meet the requirements of the Bureau in this regard.
The troops in this Department are nearly all recruits without instruction or discipline.
Their presence with the officers of the Bureau would be of no real service, while the dispersion of the command to the extent required would be attended with mischievous results.
By command of Maj Gen'l Terry
Sgnd Ed. W. Smith A.A.G.

Virginia Dept of

Bureau R F & ALmHead Qrs Asst Com Ste Va Richmond Mar 2d/66
Respty forwarded to Maj Genl O.O. Howard Comr &c, whose attention is invited to the Endorsement of Bvt Brig Genl E.W. Smith A.A.G. Dept Va.
(Sgd) O. Brown Col & Asst Comr
Official James Bates AAAG
The first Endorsement being a mere reference &c was not recorded in this Book  


B.C. Carter Bat Maj A.Q.M. &c
L.R.C. 189. Endorsement on letter of Bvt Maj B.C. Carter, AQM &c relative to Govt buildings at Dublin & other points on the R.R. in his Dist in possession of the Treas'y Agent, which may be turned over to the Bureau, &c &c &c

Bureau R F & AL  Head Qrs Asst Comm Ste Va. Richmond Mar 2d/66  
Respty returned to Bvt Maj B.C. Carter AQM & Supt 8th Dist Va who will apply to have the buildings within mentioned turned over to the Bureau.

By order of Col O Brown
James A. Bates AAAG  

B.C. Carter  Bvt Maj A.Q.M. &c
Z. Boon

L.R.B. 210.  
Endorsement on letter of Z. Boon. Ask for information in regard to the date of the freedom of the slave.

Bureau R F & AL Head Qrs Asst Comr Ste Va  Richmond Mar 2d/66
Respty referred to Bvt Maj B.C. Carter a.q.m. & Supt 8th Dist Va, who will furnish Mr. Z. Boon the desired information.
By order of Col O Brown
James A. Bates AAAG

H.S. Merrell  Lt & Supt
Benj Harris
[[Strikethrough]] L.R.M. 109. Endorsement on letter of Mark Hopkins Jr requests information concerning Dinah Wright col'd who formerly lived near Hanover C.H. [[/Strikethrough]]
L.R.M. 169. 
Endorsement on letter of Lieut H.S. Merrell Supt &c - forwards license of Benj Harris and requests to be informed whether he (Harris) will be required to take out a new one.
Bureau R F & AL




Transcription Notes:
Not considered a table - those indicators have been removed. ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-04-08 15:33:41