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Executive Mansion
March 5, 1866
This oath taken under President Lincoln's Amnesty Proclamation is held good from the date thereof. namely May 20, 1865. and entitles
the applicant to its benefits from that date.
Sgnd Andrew Johnson President U.S.

Respty referred to Col. O. Brown Asst Com &c Richmond, Va. It is understood that his property has been restored. In compliance with the endorsement of the President you will allow Mr White all rents which have accrued since
May 20, 1865, and have not been actually paid in to the Bureau.
By order of Maj Genl OO Howard Com'r
(Sgnd) Wm Fowler A.A.G.
Bureau R F & AL Washington Mar 5/66}

War Dept Bureau &c

Head Qr Asst Comm Bureau R F & AL Richmond Mar 7/66

Respectfully referred to Lieut F. J. Massey Asst Supt York County (through Genl Armstrong Supt 9 Dist) who will carry out the instructions contained in
Endorsements of the President of the U.S. and Maj Genl O.O. Howard Commissioner
By order of Col O Brown
James A. Bates
act asst ad't Genl
Rec'd Back and Filed with "W.342.2.Vol.66

A.S. Flagg              
Capt aqm &c  
Emily Prudends (cold)
John Morris      

S.R.J.61  Recd Back Mar 7 1866 Bureau R F & A L Surry Co Feb 28/66
x x  x  x  x  x  x  x
I sent an orderly to Mr John Morris for the 
children Delsey & Henrietta, Mr. Morris produced the  children. and
told them to go with the orderly. that they were going to their mother. The children shrieked and ran to Mrs Morris clinging to her dress.
and to the children of Mr Morris. weeping and begging that they would not allow them  to be taken away. When the orderly attempted to take one. she
broke from him and ran and concealed
herself and could not be found.
Mr & Mrs Morris and their children were all weeping.
x   x   x   x   x   x   x   x   x   x   x
It is evident that a very strong attachment exists between the children and the Morris family. Therefore I have returned these paper for further instructions. The boy Colbert is with Md Hollerman but his residence is in Southampton Co.
(Sgd) Chas. H. Burd
Lt & Asst Supt

Chas H Burd    
Lt & Asst Supt 

Head Qr Asst Comm Bureau R F & A L Richmond Mar 7/66
Respty returned to Capt A.S. Flagg aq  & supt and attention invited to enclosed report of Leiut Chas H Burd asst supt Surry Co
The asst Com desires that you see the parents of the children. and recommend that they allow the children to remain. If they do not desire to do so. They will have to go and bring the children away themselves.
By order of Col O Brown
James A. Bates
act asst adj't Genl
War Dept Bureau &c
Mrs. E. Hockady

Continuation of Endorsment on letter of Mrs E Hockady applying for aid &c office asst Supt BRF &c
Williamsburg Feb 28/66
x   x   x   x   x    x   x   x
I have made a most thorough investigation of the case of Mrs Hockady. She  complains that she is compelled to "solicit aid". The facts of the case do not warrant her in this statement. Mrs H owns a farm of about 400 acres within  two miles of water communication. about 350 acres is heavily timbered and very valuable. About 50

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-04-10 13:08:08